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他们都是未被计入官方统计的“隐性无家可归”人口。They are the hidden homeless.

如何帮助无家的流浪人?。How to Help a Homeless Person?

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我发先自己无依无靠,无家可归。I found myself homeless and alone.

地震让他们无家可归。The earthquake left them homeless.

善待那个孩子。他已无家可归了。Be good to the boy. He is homeless.

那个无家可归者被冻僵了。The homeless was benumbed with cold.

他让一个无家可归的女人怀了孕。And he made a homeless woman pregnant.

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很多无家可归的人住在这里。Many homeless people were living here.

如果他们把我赶出去,我就无家可归。If they force me out, I’ll be homeless.

许多人果洪水而得到了家园。The flood has left many people homeless.

这些无家可归的人提供了栖身之处。These provide shelters for the homeless.

他对这忍饥挨饿的无家可归者表示怜悯。His heart ached for the starving homeless.

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没有太多的给那些数百万无家可归的人。Not too many for the millions of homeless.

无家可归的人的数目似乎在不断变化。The number of homeless appears to be in flux.

这是一个无家可归的人在这个城市宁波。This is a homeless man in the city of Ningbo.

街上一个无家可归的人向你要钱,你扬长而去。Ignoring a homeless person who asks for money.

有两个流浪汉袭击了抗议者。Two homeless men assaulted protesters, he said.

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王大叔主动提出了要收养这个无家可归的孩子。Uncle Wang offered to adopt the homeless child.

我不能离开,如果我离开就无家可归了。I can't leave because if I leave I'd be homeless.

第二,就是要组织好那些无家可归的人们。Second, is to organise the lives of the homeless.