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把撬棍给我!Pry stick to me!

轻轻地把他们撬开,取下。Gently pry then off.

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用鹤嘴镐把那块石头撬起来。Pry up that stone with a pickax.

不要窥探别人的私生活。Don't pry into private life of others.

我们用铁棍撬开箱子。We use an iron bar to pry open the box.

给我一个支点,我可以撬起地球。——阿基米德。Give me a fulcrum, I can pry up the earth.

难到你妈妈没告诉你偷看是很没礼貌的吗?Didn't your mother ever tell you not to pry?

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她喜欢打听别人的私事。She likes to pry into private affairs of others.

他捉住我的手腕,想要把我的手掰走。He clutches my wrists, trying to pry my hands away.

撬开背面盖板,它一般只是扣在时钟上的。Pry off the back. It's usually just snap-fitted together.

我用撬棍把它撬松,然后搬到手推车上。I used the crowbar to pry it loose, then moved to the Trolley.

我死了您才能从我手中把枪拿走!You'll take me blunderbuss we ye pry it from my cold, dead hands!

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只有等我死了你才能从我手中拿走我的枪!You'll take me blunderbuss when you pry it from my cold dead hands!

然后金声又出去,说是去各船厂打听。Then the gold voice go out again and say is go to each shipyard pry.

你能不能帮我不打破这个木箱盖而撬开它?。Can you help me pry the cover off this wooden box without breaking it?

尼克松之后就去中国挖苏联和越南的墙角了。Nixon then went to china to pry the chinese from the Soviets and Viets.

有时,在接头处用一个小杠杆就能检测出耐用性。Wear may sometimes be detected by using a small pry bar under the joint.

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你用油灰刀慢慢撬开纱窗,她依然熟睡着。She doesn't hear the scratch of your putty knife as you pry open the screen.

例如,切勿将螺丝刀临时用作穿孔器、楔子或撬杆。For example, never use a screwdriver as a makeshift punch, wedge, or pry bar.

布里森登没有解释他长期失踪的原因。马丁也没有问。Brissenden gave no explanation of his long absence, nor did Martin pry into it.