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他们在佛罗里达州避寒。E. g. They wintered in Florida.

弗洛里达州今年排名第三。Florida placed third this year.

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佛罗里达州的大柏树保护区Big Cypress Reservation, Florida

海莫威茨搬到了佛罗里达。He moved to Florida 16 years ago.

在佛罗里达州打高尔夫球正是棒极了。The golfing in Florida is killer.

因此,德州大猫来到佛罗里达州。So the Texas cats came to Florida.

酒店位于西棕榈滩,佛罗里达州。Hotels in West Palm Beach, Florida.

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如果你想晒黑,移居弗罗里达吧。If you want a tan, move to Florida.

佛罗里达州的一项研究结果也与此类似。A Florida study shoed similar results.

上个寒假有去佛罗里达吗?。Did you get down to Florida last suer?

我曾在佛罗里达住过一段时间。I used to live in Florida for a while.

为什么佛罗里达州有如此多的温泉?Why does Florida have so many springs?

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很显然,这不仅仅是发生在佛罗里达州。And obviously, it’s not just in Florida.

佛罗里达州珊瑚顶市Biltmore酒店The Biltmore Hotel, Coral Gables, Florida

他请科洛飞往佛罗里达在上面签名。He flew Ms. Crowe to Florida to sign them.

法兰妮,欢迎回来!佛罗里达如何?。Hey Frannie, welcome back! How was Florida?

我是土生土长的美国人,我来自佛罗里达。I’m an American by birth, I’m from Florida.

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佛罗里达被称为世界最白细沙滩。Florida fears for 'world's whitest beaches'.

浮选操作法用于佛罗里达磷矿和科拉磷矿。Flotation is used for Florida and Kola rock.

很喜欢和你们一起工作!Love working withy'all Florida Georgia Line!