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她真是一个户外运动的热衷者。She's a real outdoorsy type.

他是一个喜爱户外活动类型的人。He is an outdoorsy type of person.

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她真是一个户外运动的热衷者。她喜欢露营。She's a real outdoorsy type. She loves camping.

外面阳光明媚,今天就别宅了。It's a sunny day, so off to more outdoorsy stuff.

凯瑟琳将获得一些户外男子从她的猎人。Kathleen will get something outdoorsy from her hunter man.

有户外活动的狂热爱好者也有宅男宅女。The extreme outdoorsy people versus the non-outdoorsy people.

也许你能把我改造成一个喜欢野外活动的人呢!I know a place that specializes in all sorts of outdoorsy stuff. We can get the boots there.

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我不算是一个喜欢户外型的人,但是小时候,我也参加了露营、去过钓鱼还有徒步旅行。I am not much of an outdoorsy type but as a child, I did do my share of camping, fishing and hiking.

如果他们喜欢户外活动,充满热情的,你可以带他们去室内攀岩或其他室内健身房。If they're outdoorsy and ambitious, you could take them to a rock gym or another indoor adventure park.

如果你们两人都是户外活动爱好者,那么可以在情人节尝试野营过夜。If you and your date are the outdoorsy type, try going on an overnight camping trip for Valentine's Day.

澳大利亚的生活质量很高,治安良好,气候宜人,其国民爱好户外活动,这一切使得它的生活质量在人口规模中等的国家中摘得桂冠。With its high standard of living safe cities sunny climate and outdoorsy citizens Australia also has the best quality of life among medium-size countries.

喜欢发现当地文化的人可以探索古代城堡和教堂,户外活动爱好者可以租船在海边游览,或者到周边的森林远足或骑行。Those looking for culture can explore ancient castles and churches, while the outdoorsy can rent boats, hit the beach, or hike and bike in surrounding forests.

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这款也是防水功能的,使其成为外出类型的好伴侣,谁都想要不瘫痪的一台笔记本电脑。整体而言,这是一个有趣的构想,我们希望与厂商沟通此概念。The device, which was designed by Daniel Alexander, is also water-resistant making it a nice companion for outdoorsy types who want to remain connected without being bogged down by a laptop.