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我丝毫不想使您悲伤。I do not want to sadden you again.

不其它的罪恶悲哀你吗?Do not the sins of others sadden you?

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但是我不会用这致命的诉苦来使你忧伤。But I would not sadden you by the mortal plaint.

不,我不破坏,但它确实难过我!No, it does not upset me, but it does sadden me!

当暮色停泊在那处,码头伤感。The piers sadden when the affernoon moors there.

如果爱情黯淡,就让回忆灿烂。If love is sadden then let the memory be refulgent.

在我看来那个阴森的埃及人似乎会使太阳都变得黯淡无光。That dark Egyptian seems to me to sadden the very sun.

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我们不要浪费时间,我们没有时间去感叹和伤感。Don't waste time, we did not have time to sigh and sadden.

爱情能够激励一个人也能使人悲伤。It is something that can inspire as well as sadden people.

尽管并不出乎意料,但还是令我难过,甚至令我恐慌。Although that wasn't surprising, it did sadden and even scare me.

但是不要让它导致您更多困厄,我不想要再使您难过。But do not let it cause you more distress, I do not want to sadden you again.

它使我的心脏难过听见许多人民感到骄傲为产业状态的成就由中国。It sadden my heart to hear so many people proud of the achievements of the industry state by China.

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说不难过是在自欺欺人,在我儿子非凡的生命旅途中我没有占一席之地。“I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t sadden me to have not been part of my son’s incredible journey, ” he said.

头痛,发烧,轻微的擦伤和只是简单的困难和挑战,在一天一天的生活打乱我们,我们痛心。Headache, fever, minor bruises and just simple difficulties and challenges in day to day life perturb us, sadden us.

如果他们是快乐的,充实的,那么我就不会为此感到哀伤,但事实却并非如此,他们仅仅是可怜的过客和观众罢了。If they were happy and fulfilled it wouldn't sadden me but they're not, they are miserable passengers and spectators.

对于那些期待着能够在上海看到我为每一场胜利竭尽全力的全世界球迷们,我深深的感到难过和失望。I am deeply sadden and disappointed for my fans around the world that expected to see me in Shanghai fighting in every match.

尽管失败和波折等待着人们,一次次地夺走芳华的容颜,但却给人生的前景增加了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的告成都不能做到的。The failures and reverses which await men-and one after another sadden the brow of youth-add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.

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不论是早熟品种“黄旦子”,或晚熟品种“蜜极甘”均在呼吸高峰到来时乙烯的产生突然升高。Either early-maturing variety "Hongsentry" or late-maturing variety "Mizgan" turns out a sadden increase of the ethylene production during the coming of climacteric rise.

失败和挫折在等待着人们,一个接一个人们皱起了激扬的眉毛,为人类的美好前景赋予尊严,田园风光般的成功没那么容易。The failures and reverses which await men-and one after another sadden the brow of youth, add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no arcadian success would do.

虽然掉败和挫折期待着人们,一次次地夺走芳华的容颜,但却给人生的前景增加了一份庄严,这是任何顺遂的成功都不克不及做到的。The failures and reverses which await men – and one after another sadden the brow of youth – add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.