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下面我们尝试对它的功能进行一个总结。But we will gamely make an attempt to sum up the features, nonetheless.

本周,苹果公司的销售经理菲利普?希勒大胆地使赵博思先生露面。This weekPhilip Schiller, Apple 's marketing boss, gamely tookMrJobs's place.

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乔纳森领头,弗莱契平稳地飞在他的右翼,亨利•卡尔文雄赳赳地在他的左翼紧跟。Fletcher smoothly at his right wing, Henry Calvin struggling gamely at his left.

“我很了解史蒂夫,所以不需要看这部剧来了解他,”库克坚定的回答。“I know Steve, and I don’t need to see a play to know him, ” Cook gamely replied.

要是他没有好玩似的把这个故事告诉我,告诉那天晚上的所有宴会上的客人?Hadn't he gamely told the story, not only to me but to all of the dinner guests that night?

要是他没有好玩似的把这个故事告诉我,告诉那天晚上的所有宴会上的客人?Hadn’t he gamely told the story, not only to me but to all of the dinner guests that night?

这里,他大胆地穿一件红色的羊毛衫和一顶圣诞老人帽子在公园里面参加派对。Here he is in a festive scene at a park, gamely wearing a red fleece and a Santa Claus hat.

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生命之路是一片“荒原”,但“我”的灵魂却不荒凉,在困苦中仍然作着艰难不屈地跋涉。The way of life is"Wasteland", but"my"soul is not inhospitable. It always trudges gamely in hardship.

砝码尔在周五训练的时候担任的是艾弗森的角色,科比防的他。Jordan Farmar played the role of Iverson at Friday's practice, with Bryant gamely chasing him around the court.

最后对拍卖中的串谋与反串谋问题进行研究,并对一实际案例做博弈分析。At last, this paper studies on collusion and anti-collusion problems in auction, and analyzes a practical case gamely.

但后来达林倔强的坚持他的言论针对的是全球展望,不特别针对英国。Mr Darling gamely maintained later that he had been talking about prospects for the world, not for Britain in particular.

尽管美军弹片误伤部分村民,其中一人仍兴冲冲地告诉美联社记者说,自己毫无怨言。Even though some villagers were hit by American shrapnel, one gamely told an Associated Press reporter that he bore no grudges.

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当然,在反对声浪中,也有少数勇士发言恭维奥巴马和诺委会的裁定。Gamely venturing into this sea of snark, a brave minority offers fulsome compliments of Obama and the Nobel Committee's judgment.

进步主义民主党的积极分子勇敢地坚持他们还可以夺回那些在2006以及2008年大选中支持他们的人。Progressive activists gamely insist that they can yet recapture some of the popular fervour that carried them to thumping victories in 2006 and 2008.

埃及有很多可爱的地方,其中之一是尽管几乎每个人虚度时间,违反或者忽视各项制度,但每个人都勇敢不屈地假装尊重这些。ONE of the endearing thingsaboutEgypt is that although nearly everyone fiddles, breaks or ignores the rules, everyone gamely pretends to respect them.

这位阿森纳球星勇敢地摆出童子军造型,为了小枪手活动做宣传,200个幸运的小球迷将会在埃米尔球场度过一次难忘的夜晚夏令营。The Arsenal star gamely posed in Scouts uniform to promote a Junior Gunners event where 200 lucky young fans will spend a night camping on the Emirates pitch.

女王尽力保持着镇静和尊严,而菲利普亲王、长公主、查尔斯王储和哈里王子已经忍俊不禁了。While she gamely tried to maintain her poise and dignity, Philip, the Princess Royal and Princes Charles and Harry fought a losing battle to stifle their mirth.

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缺少了GMU基地上雷霆万钧的大炮,法拉戈号只能求助于火力较弱的武器,即使事情看来毫无希望,武器战位上的船员们依然顽强地开火再开火。Lacking the grand slam of the GMU's cannon, the Farrago turned to its lesser weapons, gamely firing and firing, weapons crews staying at their stations even though things seemed hopeless.

新任州长在其前任颇为不忿的冷眼旁观下,开始了20分钟的就职演讲,他说纽约州仿佛经历了“黄粱一梦,这一睡就是近十年”。With his predecessor, George E. Pataki, gamely looking on, Governor Spitzer said in his 20-minute inaugural address that New York, "like Rip van Winkle, " had "slept through much of the past decade.