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大于XL度身订造须付附加费。Surcharge for extra big sizes beyond XL.

我们相信这对特大城市来说是一个好消息。We are confident that we leave Cities XL in good hands.

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我们真切希望特大城市能继续推广流行下去。We do hope that Cities XL has many more great years ahead of itself!

关键的XL项目是环保抗议者的主要关注点。The Keystone XL project has been a major focus of environmental protests.

论述CEN-TUM-XL的重要功能及其在生产中的重要地位。Discusses main functions of CENTUM XL and its important situation in production.

现在,准备迅速成为与XL系列'非常用户友好的设计熟悉。Now, get ready to quickly become acquainted with the XL series' incredibly user-friendly design.

计划中的大号拱心石石油管道将用于运输产自加拿大油沙的重原油。The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would carry heavier crude oil produced from tar sands in Canada.

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上周我去看了新的牛仔裤,只有超大号的我才穿的上,不至于崩掉。I went to look for a new pair of jeans last week, and only XL fit me without a risk of a major breach.

甲基一维仪建议用作膳食补充剂采取4日至6胶囊每天分为两个剂量。Methyl 1-D XL Suggested Use As a dietary supplement take 4 to 6 capsules per day in two divided doses.

XL系列洗砂机可清洗分离砂石中的石中的石粉泥土。XL Series Sand Washer is used for cleaning and removing the dirt and contamination mixed in sandstones.

请出具375箱特大号PE手套的形式发票,我会通知你发送时间,谢谢。Pls. issue pro-forma invoice for 375 cartons of PE gloves XL size. I will inform you when to deliver. Thank you.

汤姆纳吉摄影师拍摄车,景观和人,是全球著名的国际上的加大码运动而闻名。Photographer Tom Nagy shoots cars, landscapes and people worldwide and is internationally known for his famous XL Campaign.

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对于要求保险公司具备高信用评级的客户来说,这桩交易等于是用伯克希尔哈撒韦的评级代替了美国国际集团和XL。For customers that required a high insurer credit rating, the deal substituted Berkshire Hathaway's rating for those of AIG and XL.

他还为电台报道了2006年的世界大赛,NBA决赛和2005年主要联赛棒球,以及超级碗超级秀比赛。Along the way he's also covered the 2006 World Series, the NBA Finals, the Major League Baseball All-Star game in 2005, and Super Bowl XL for the station.

XL系列的表盘被分配到全部的色彩,不只让您能够紧张地找到每一个功用,而且还疾速肯定相应的推子。All dials on the XL series are assigned to colors that not only allow you to easily locate each function, but to also quickly identify corresponding faders.

特殊的切削齿布置增加钻头的稳定性,XL设计在夹层中钻进可获得长寿命。Asymmetrical blade layout and curved blades are combined to increase bit stability. XL bits are designed for longer life in tough or interbedded applications.

难以置信的意识力量来自大增睾酮与其他补充剂在那里,你会得到充分受益于所有成分甲基一维仪。Incredible Sense of Power That Comes from a Boost in Testosterone Unlike other supplements out there, you'll get the full benefit of all the ingredients in Methyl 1-D XL.

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女演员南希·厄普顿参加了最近用自己的照片参加了一场海选丰满型模特的网络竞赛,在她自己疯狂拍摄的这些些照片中,她赤身裸体地泡在奶油沙拉中,同时用一个大樱桃馅饼挡在胯下。NANCY UPTON, an actress, entered an online contest to find an XL fashion model with shots of herself bathing in creamy salad dressing and covering her crotch with a large cherry pie.

有着更大的屏幕和更长的像钢笔似的触笔,现在看来老年用户可能发现XL将更舒适更容易操作,但其实这将会有更多人被它吸引。With bigger screens and a larger pen-like stylus it's likely that older users may find the DSi XL easier and more comfortable to use but there are many more people it can and will appeal to.

分析表明,改进后的XL算法能降低求解多变量二次方程组的计算复杂性。The algorithm is obtained to overcome the redundancy problem and XL algorithm is improved, which effectively reduces the computational complexity of solving multi-variable quadratic equation system.