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但是他们也看到其他的方面。But they saw many upsides too.

有朝一日,我总要和他把账算得相欠。I ll get upsides with him some day.

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有朝一日,我总要和他把账算得互不相欠。I'll get upsides with him some day.

生活中没有“中国“也是有好处的。There are upsides to living without China.

但是,你知道,还是有一些正面效应。But, you know, there are some upsides to this.

结识新朋友是旅行的好处之一。Meeting new people is one of the great upsides of traveling.

做一些调查研究,制订一个计划,探究可能存在的有利以及不利因素。Do some research, make a plan, and explore potential upsides and problems.

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下坡跑有好处,但是容易伤着您的股四头肌。以下是如何避免这种伤害。Downhill running has its upsides but kills your quads. Here's how to avoid the burn.

养宠物者声称饲养宠物有不少好处,应该鼓励该行为。Pet-owners claim that pet-raising boasts numerous upsides and therefore should be encouraged.

新法律有几个优点,最大的方面就是对于环境的好处。There are several upsides to the new law, the biggest of which is that it will benefit the environment.

不在阿尔-戈尔的演说中,全球气候变暖也有它的好处。GHENT, N. Y. — It's not in Al Gore's PowerPoint presentation, but there are some upsides to global warming.

在我心中,考查课是对这门课程的一大提升,这个课程是按照。And that in my mind is one of the upsides of taking a course like this, pass fail, in order to take the edge off.

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虽然期货合同防止了价格向下波动,但它们也限制了价格升高的可能。While future contracts protect against the downside of price fluctuations, they also limit potential upsides as well.

实施原料管理的弹性项目是否有助于支持订单、投入需求与更改杂项的重新编排?Are flexibility programs in place to manage materials to support with rescheduling orders, upsides in demand and change mix ?

从另一方面来说,如果每个人更加节俭,那潜在的有利面便是巨大的。而忧心忡忡导致了一些经济衰退的损害。On the other hand, if everyone is more frugal, the upsides are potentially huge. A lot of the harm in a recession comes from fear.

他说还有相应的事物,名望的提升意味着更好的作品、更重要的角色、更高的片酬及更多的观众。There are upsides to this, he says, in that increased celebrity means offers of better, bigger roles, as well as more money and a wider audience.

香浓-布朗同样是一个非常年轻有潜力的球员,在上周客场对阵我们的时候他打得非常好,我们选来了两名非常优秀的球员。Shannon Brown is a young, developing player as well. He played really well against us last week in L. A. We picked up two players that have upsides.

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欲知有机农业的前世今生、曲折轮回,且看下文对70多年里土地演化的过程以及接下来将会发生的事情作一解读。For more on the backstory, upsides and downsides of organic farming, below is a look at how the field has evolved over the last 70 years, and what might happen next.