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不要受单元测试的教条所限Don’t get stuck on unit testing dogma.

一个是对教条不顾一切地重新肯定。One is the defiant reaffirmation of dogma.

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它们只是作为示例,而非教条。They are intended to be examples, not dogma.

哇啊哇。他的因果报应以及天条啊。狠狠地!Wow. His karma ran over his dogma. Big time!

不过,有人认为这个法则过度简单化了。Yet here the dogma can be accused of oversimplification.

社会党人1982年上台执政后,就把其政治信条弃之不顾。The Socialists junked dogma when they came to office in 1982.

顽固的人类例外论已经和教义牢不可分了。The rigid human exceptionalism is cemented firmly into dogma.

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这个基因组学的中心法则源于结构生物学。The Central Dogma of Genomics derives from structural biology.

自然主义作为一种信条不过是科学精神的又一个敌人。Naturalism as dogma is one more enemy of the scientific spirit.

中心教条是指一个论点,所有其他的论点都要从这里作出推论。A central dogma is a thesis from which everything else is deduced.

到公元451年,基础性的基督教信条已经被系统地阐明了。By 451, the fundamental dogma of Christianity had been formulated.

现在有一种教条式的看法,即技巧阻碍表达。The dogma now is that craftsmanship gets in the way of expression.

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在德国的教条言论影响下,两条出路的风险均被夸大。Each route has risks, but both are exaggerated by the German dogma.

仇视平民儿童的教养,原是一种信念。The hatred of instruction for the children of the people was a dogma.

我们不再相信政府能够赋予人民以权利的那一套老教条。We throve to the winds the old dogma that government can give rights.

当然,她教我除了科学之外别无其他教条。Certainly she did not raise me with any dogma except the dogma of science.

愿你们克服在你们意识中的每一个教条。May every dogma which has found lodgement in your consciousness be overcome.

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信条也就是价值标准,而政冶则是指民主。Another word for dogma is values, and another word for politics is democracy.

但到后来就产生了洋八股、洋教条。Later on, however, foreign stereotyped writing and foreign dogma came into being.

那些将马克思列宁主义当宗教教条看待的人,就是这种蒙昧无知的人。It is precisely such ignorant people who take Marxism-Leninism as a religious dogma.