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第三种价值类型我们称之为亲密顾客型。So if its customer intimacy , then we reengineer our customer.

管理层可能决定只提取并再造工程某个关键组件。Management may decide to extract and reengineer some critical component only.

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妳改造它们的身体结搆因此它们能活上一百年,一个月只需喂一次,还能自己挤牛奶。You reengineer them so that they live for 100 years, eat once a month and milk themselves.

市场的压力迫使委托人重新设计他们的核心流程,并分离非核心流程。Market pressures on clients to reengineer their core processes and eliminate non-core processes.

建构电子政府已经成为世界范围内政府再造的新趋势。To construct an electronic government has been a new tendency to reengineer government around world.

并以此对XX公司的汽车概念设计流程进行了再造和优化。Based on that, a case study is presented to reengineer the automobile concept design process of XX Company.

为了充分发挥网络化管理的优势,必须重组现有的会计业务流程。In order to realize advantages of network management firms must reengineer the current accounting busine proces.

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为实现产业转型,转型企业必须在新进入产业再造技术能力。It is necessary for the enterprises to reengineer technological capability in order to realize industry conversion.

我们不可能为每个将要测试的新应用程序而设计或者重新设计自动化框架。We cannot afford to engineer or reengineer automation frameworks for each and every new application that comes along.

论文提出了成员企业的敏捷化建设应从观念、组织、管理、技术儿个方面重点建设。We think that member enterprises should reengineer their concept, organization, management, and technology to become agile.

第四章,将RMS的重组设计分为重组决策设计、集成设计两个方面。In the fourth chapter, the steps of reengineer RMS were divided as reconfiguration decision-making design and integrated design.

基于供应链,利用活动的成本分析法对钢铁企业物流管理的业务流程进行重构。Based on supply chain, activity-based cost analysis method is applied to reengineer the business processes of the company's logistics management.

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当生化学家继续埋首解决抗体片段的问题时,亚柏林克斯正探索著大自然提供的另一种可能。While biochemists continue trying to reengineer antibody fragments to solve these problems, Ablynx is exploiting an alternative offered by nature.

基于管理的共性和环境的变化,我国的工商管理类重点大学教育管理也到了流程再造的时候了。According to commonness of management and varieties of environment, it is high time for Chinese university to reengineer its business management education.

企业必须认识到他们要采用更加新颖的方式来重新设计他们的成本结构,这样才能使企业或多或少地有效地为消费者提供产品和服务。They must learn to reengineer their cost structures in novel ways so they can offer customers dramatically more for less. That may not be good news for many U.

因此,如果客户的亲密关系,那么,我们重新设计我们的客户服务流程,甚至是我们的结算过程,以提供更好的服务。So if its customer intimacy , then we reengineer our customer service processes and maybe even our billing processes whatever to give better service to the customers.

档案管理现代化,需要遵循一定的原则,需要流程再造,也需要加强硬件设施及人员素质等方面的条件建设。To modernize file management, we must abide by some principles, reengineer process and strengthen the construction of hardware facilities and human resources quality.

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数据获取是获取,集成,转换,清洗,重构和数据加载到数据仓库和ODS系统的一系列的过程。Data Acquisition is the set of processes that capture, integrate, trans-form, cleanse, reengineer and load source data into the data warehouse and operational data store.

为保证企业顺利实施电子商务,必须对企业进行业务流程重组,建立适应电子商务的组织结构。To ensure enterprise to implement E-commerce successfully, it is necessary to reengineer the operational process and to establish new organization and structure fitting for E-commerce.

学者们认为,实施业务流程再造,需要组织在人、技术、组织结构和企业文化等几个面进行重构,而组织结构的重构显得至关重要。Academicians consider that putting the theory of BPR into practice demands to reengineer in individual, technology , organization structure , which is the most important, and its culture.