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数值变化本身并非什么重大改变。That in itself is not a momentous change.

这是一个重大的发展,原因有二。This is a momentous development, for two reasons.

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所以,这是利比亚历史上的重大一天。So this is a momentous day in the history of Libya.

在一些不发澾的国家,伐木业十分重嘦。Lumbering is very momentous in some underdeveloped countries.

当然,本周的表决是朝着正确方向迈进了一大步。Still, this week’s vote was a momentous step-and in the right direction.

报告期内无其它对公司产生重大影响的重要事项。No momentous investments with Non-raised Funds within the Reporting Period.

说真的,很难想象在所有的科学门类中有哪个假设比这个来得更“非同凡响”了。”Indeed, it is hard to imagine a more momentous hypothesis in all of science.

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明年,对于这个喜欢球状人物形象的政府而言,注定意义重大。Next year promises to be momentous for a government that loves round figures.

因此,本文对灵巧式舵机系统的研究具有十分重要的现实意义。So, the study of smart actuator systems is of momentous current significance.

像这样重大的事件,日后一定会在我们的儿孙辈间传述。It is a momentous event, something we will tell our children's children about.

2008年初,Sabine夫妇做了一个重大决定——他们决定要一个孩子。In early 2008, Sabine and his wife made the momentous decision to have a child.

那天晚上对马丁很为重要,因为他晚饭后遇见了罗司·布里森登。It proved a momentous night for Martin, for after dinner he met Russ Brissenden.

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“为己之学”是孔子德育思想中的重要组成部分。"Studying for ego" is a momentous component of Confucian moral education thought.

目前的生产转移,并不会因为发生在一个国家内部而削弱其重大意义。The current relocations are no less momentous for happening within a single country.

而且,在这三个十年中,他一直面对着改天换地般的社会、政治、经济剧变。And all this against three decades of momentous social, political and economic change.

发展我国民办幼儿教育有其法律依据和重大意义。The development of private pre-school education has legal basis and momentous significance.

勤奋对于人们的重要性,就如同灵幻对于我们的重要性一样。Diligent is momentous and fundamental to people what the soul is vital and significant to us.

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来着何人,粮库重地,闲杂人等,速速离开。Wear who, food database momentous precincts, person with no duty at, presently and soon quit.

缺乏钢铁般的精神,就不能干大事。Unless one has an unbreakable steel-like spirit, one cannot accomplish momentous undertakings.

人们该如何看待经济及地缘政治影响力朝向东方的这一重大转移?How does one calibrate the momentous shift of economic and geopolitical clout towards the east?