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你看到的东西是实实在在的,没有虚伪做作。What you see is what you get, no pretense.

我不喜欢你的装扮因为太古怪了。I don't like your pretense since it's werid. save.

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他假藉爱国募集金钱。He collected money under the pretense of patriotism.

愚笨参议员的舆论借端引起了轰动。The senseless senator's pretense of consensus caused a sensation.

愚蠢参议员的舆论借口引起了轰动.The senseless senator’s pretense of consensus caused a sensation.

可不可以有人,可以看穿我的逞强,可以保护我的脆弱。Can anyone see through my pretense of being strong and protect me ?

没有虚伪做作,充满无限的创造意图。Absence of pretense or artificiality, full creative intent unforced.

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毒品交易经常毫无遮掩的在光天化日之下进行。Drug deals are often conducted openly, without even a pretense of cover-up.

这些形容词都是真实、诚实、不虚伪或不伪饰的意思。These adjectives mean genuine, honest, and devoid of hypocrisy or pretense.

红三叶是一种利用价值很高的牧草。Trifolium pretense is a kind of forage grass that of high utilization value.

而倾向依赖于美国的国家也乐意保持这种虚假。Countries which prefer to rely on America are happy to maintain the pretense.

金深水心如刀绞,但表面依然一副痛快和仇恨的样子。Gold deep heart, but the surface is still a pretense of being happy and hatred.

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甚至连表面的出版自由、集会自由和言论自由都没有。There was not even a pretense of a free press, freedom of assembly or free speech.

但是在他所有表面的炫耀与昂贵的服装下,他只是一个又大又胖的粗俗汉。But under all of his fancy pretense and expensive garb, he was just a big fat slob.

但我擦擦眼泪,强挤出笑脸,要让自己在女儿面前露出喜悦之情。But I made myself smile so I could GREet my little daughter with a Pretense of happiness.

但我还是得强作笑容,因为我得用这伪装的幸福问候我的女儿。But I made myself smile so I could greet my little daughter with a pretense of happiness.

美国和欧洲抑或应该放弃任何在海外推动民主的说辞?Should America and Europe abandon any pretense of even wanting to promote democracy abroad?

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假惺惺的,真让人恶心。在大家面前出卖我,你怎麽敢这样?你这个叛徒!I'm sick of your pretense. You sold me down the river to the public. How dare you, you traitor!

是在进行项目的掩饰下他得到了勇气,还是这个“项目”原本的目的就在于他的自杀?Had the pretense of the project emboldened him or was "the project" merely his eventual suicide?

另外,许多人还认为,“假装”客观性本身就是装假和不切实际的。Moreover, many might argue that the ‘pretense’ of objectivity is just that, a pretense and an ideal.