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他们走路如同散步一样。They walk like they're on a promenade.

那对夫妇沿着步行大道悠闲漫步。The couple ambled slowly along the promenade.

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如果你想看海那坐104,105其中一个可以到海滨大道。If you want to see the sea that one can sit to 104,105 promenade.

长廊通过蒙希克山和拉各斯,发现城。Promenade through Monchique mountain and Lagos, city of discoveries.

连接中环至北角长约4公里的拟议海滨长廊。About 4 km long waterfront promenade connecting Central to North Point.

暂且不谈这集市财无亏密群遣散步不巍。But aside from these and the marts of wealth and the crowded promenade.

深夜里,普伊托·德·拉·克鲁斯市的海滩依旧五光十色。The beach promenade in Puerto de la Cruz is still colorful in late evening.

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一名慢跑者沿着普茨茅斯南海海滨散步广场艰难跑着。A jogger makes his way along the promenade at Southsea seafront, Portsmouth.

一个低洼的部分,拥抱炮台公园的长廊也被水淹没。A low-lying section of the promenade hugging Battery Park was also submerged.

海滨大道的Malmaison密布着众多世界顶级品牌专卖店。The promenade Malmaison densely covered many of the world's top brand stores.

沿着历史性的堤岸的道路被拆除,用来建筑新的滨江大道。The road along the historic bund is being ripped up to build a new promenade.

恏的爱情使妳的丗届变得广阔,茹茼在一爿一望无际的草愿丄漫步。A good love let your world become wider, feels like a promenade on a vast plain.

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长廊终止于直通博物馆瞭望塔的楼梯。The promenade ends with the stairs leading up to the museum's observation tower.

不再徒步旅行!虽然结束了在孟买整早的散步,我还是想返回。Step-tripper no more! Though after a morning promenade in Mumbai, I want the patch back.

雷虎伤口虽然多,但都是外伤,也能走动了。Although the thunder tiger wound is many, is all outer injury, can also take a promenade.

它曾是亚洲最著名的一条街,现在它临着黄浦江,绿树成荫,供游人漫步。Once the most famous street in Asia, it is a tree-lined promenade along the Huangpu River.

长廊两侧可以安放桌、凳类小型家具,用以放置杂物。Promenade can be placed on both sides of the table, a small bench-type furniture to put debris.

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这座新的人行步道和原有道路一起形成了多层次的道路网。Here the new pedestrian promenade joins the existing route forming a multi-layered road network.

走在步行道上,欣赏岛城前海一线的旖旎风光,令人喜不自禁,流连忘返。Walk in the promenade to enjoy the sea line of the former Castle and beauty, is beaming, linger.

有一座人造山,铺着草坪,还有一个散步场所和一座桥。An artificial mountain was made, turf was ! aid, a promenade was built and a bridge was constructed.