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梅尔夫人决不虚有其表,她是表里如一的。Madame Merle was not superficial-not she.

梅尔夫人注意到了这种郑重其事的脸色。Madame Merle appeared to note this eagerness.

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黄色,黄白,三色和芸石色。Sable, Sable and white, Tricolour and Blue Merle.

颜色黑貂色,黑貂色与白色,三色,芸石色。Colour Sable, Sable and white, Tricolour and Blue Merle.

安斯艾尔和莫尔站在甲板上一动不动,紧紧地拥抱在一起。Ansel and Merle stand steady on the deck in a fight embrace.

在早期的边境牧羊犬中,山鸟色曾经非常普遍。The merle colours were very common in the early days of the breed.

虽然抛弃了他,夫人梅尔里奥仍然不遗余力的痛苦,帮助奥斯蒙德。Although discarded by him, Madame Merle still spares no pains in helping Osmond.

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在今天,蓝山鸟色是一种不常见的颜色,而红山鸟色实在是相当罕见。Blue merle is not a common colour these days, but red merle is really quite rare.

告诉妳世界上所有的朋友,这世界没有任何的伴侣像蓝眼的山鸟。Tell your friends all around the world, Ain't no companion like a blue eyed merle.

梅尔夫人没说什么。伯爵夫人的态度叫她讨厌,那实在太卑鄙了。Madame Merle said nothing for sometime the Countess's manner was odious, was really low.

任何深度的灰色、灰白色、兰色或芸石色,带有或不带白色斑纹。Any shade of gray, grizzle , blue or blue merle with or without white markings or in reverse.

白色“是以白色为主,最好带有黄色、三色或芸石色斑纹。" The "White" is predominantly white, preferably with sable, tri-color or blue merle markings.

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如果你以为我是在梅尔夫人的撺掇下订婚的,那你完全错了。If you mean that Madame Merle has had anything to do with my engagement you're greatly mistaken.

要避免这些犬只与其他山鸟色边牧交配,最好不要使貂色和山鸟色的边牧杂交。To prevent these dogs from being mated to other merles it is advisable not to mix sable and merle.

伯爵戈米和茉莉女士的爱情曝光,这件事情是伊莎贝尔拒绝欧斯蒙德的另一个原因。Countess Gemimi's exposure of his love affair with Madame Merle is another reason for Isabel's resistance to Osmond.

此斑纹样式只能在幼犬的被毛上看到,在边牧长出它最后的被毛之后,就几乎不可能见到了。The pattern is only visible in the puppy coat. After the dog has his final coat the Merle pattern is almost impossible to see.

单色、双色、三色、陨石色、貂色在比赛中均被一视同仁。Solid color, bi-color, tri-color, merle and sable dogs are to be judged equally with no one color or pattern preferred over another.

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先天性耳聋可以是遗传性的,见于云石色系或背色被毛犬,或者是感染或毒素引起的宫内损伤所导致的。Congenital deafness can be genetic, seen sometimes in dogs with merle or white coats, or caused by in utero damage from infections or toxins.

这一时期的威伦。杰宁斯、威利。纳尔逊,约翰尼。卡西及靡乐。哈格德将现代乡村音…No one embodied the blue-collar sound of outlaw country more than Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, and Merle Haggard in this period.

在她的第一次亮相,梅尔里奥被看作是一个很大的成就女人的声音甜美,愉快的微笑,和迷人的艺术埶方式。In her first appearance, Merle is seen as a greatly accomplished woman with a sweet voice, pleasant smile, artistic skillfulness and charming manner.