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太多话,我们言不由衷。Too the loquacity, speaks insincerely.

“对不起,”她敷衍地说。"I'm sorry, " she replied insincerely.

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我和他之间的暧昧都是言不由衷。He and I are ambiguous between the insincerely.

对于守寡表现虚伪的丧偶妇女。Bereaved women who exhibit their widowhood insincerely.

其次,要表现出真诚,避免言不由衷。Next, must display sincerely, avoids speaking insincerely.

在一些情况下,我们总是习惯性地言不由衷。Under some circumstances, we always habitually talk insincerely.

所以,我们媒体惯用的手法是顾左右而言其他。Consequently, the media's stock-in-trade lends itself to speaking insincerely.

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尤指为了博得欢心的过分地且常常为不真诚地赞扬。To compliment excessively and often insincerely especially in order to win favor.

埃托奥也会有言不由衷时候,人们不便去刨根问底。Time Aituoao will also have will speak insincerely , the people inconvenience to get to the root.

一个开玩笑的骂人话表达的爱意会比那些不真诚的肉麻话表达出来的爱意更深呢!A joyous insult carries more affection and love within the sentiments which are expressed insincerely.

有些邻居骂彼得?费瑟斯通是老狐狸,但即使这些人也从没指责他虚情假意。Even those neighbours who had called Peter Featherstone an old fox, had neve accused him of being insincerely polite.

有些邻居骂彼得?费瑟斯通是老狐狸,但即使这些人也从没指责他虚情假意。Even those neighbours who had called Peter Featherstone an old fox, had never accused him of being insincerely polite.

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我又开始了说些言不由衷的话,不知是为了强迫自己不去想你,还是为了引起你的注意?I started saying some talk insincerely words, was in order to force myself not to think of you, or for your attention?