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雅丽珊达挽起他的肩。Alexandra hoisted on his shoulder.

向已失去的雅丽珊达说再见。Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost.

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我想我们可以再见到Alexandra了。I guess we'll be seeing Alexandra again.

亚历山德拉仍不免会听到更多有关埃法尔的话题。Alexandra was to hear more of Ivar's case.

加入亚历山德拉来保护海洋。Join Alexandra in her quest to save the oceans.

他让亚力山德拉看名为走遍美国相册中的一些照片。He shows Alexandra some pictures for Family Album, U. S. A.

特多首都西班牙港市圣克莱尔区亚历山德拉街39号。Alexandra St. , St. Clair, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.

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感谢亚历山大·巴斯福德让我注意到这个问题。Thanks to Alexandra Basford for bringing this to my attention.

德拉卖掉了自己的长发为吉姆买了一条白金表链。Alexandra sell their own long Jim, bought for a platinum bracelets.

据他的女儿亚历山德拉讲,死因是充血性心力衰竭。The cause was congestive heart failure, said his daughter Alexandra.

亚历山德拉惴惴不安地把她那条黑边的手帕塞进提包。Alexandra thrust her black-edged handkerchief nervously into her handbag.

当亚历山德拉内基塔为2,她的父母给她一些蜡笔和彩色图画书。When Alexandra nechita was 2, her parents gave her some crayons and coloring books.

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泽廖诺格勒公寓的设计是由总部设在莫斯科的工作室亚历山德拉·费多罗娃。The Apartment in Zelenograd was designed by the Moscow based studio Alexandra Fedorova.

亚历山大·阿克是私立“美国年轻民主党人”的执行总裁。Alexandra Acker is executive director at the privately-funded Young Democrats of America.

埃法尔从来不喝酒,亚历山德拉立刻明白,那必定是他的符咒又施行起来了。Ivar never drank, and Alexandra thought at once that one of his spells had come upon him.

作者是伍德罗威尔逊国际研究中心高级学者Alexandra Vacroux is a senior scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

相似的成长经历造就了她们对土地同样的热爱,并使得亚历山德拉成为威拉。凯瑟土地情结的代言人。It is the same love for land that makes Alexandra Willa Cather's spokesperson of love for land.

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亚历山德拉威尔逊是一个郊区的女孩谁突然发现她是一个公主的神秘王国。Alexandra Wilson is a suburban girl who suddenly discovers she is a princess of a mystical kingdom.

高起来的一个小山上,在木材绿色,在伦敦北部,是一个维多利亚式砖房称为亚历山德拉宫。High up on a hill in Wood Green, north London, is a Victorian brick building called Alexandra Palace.

亚历山德拉.塞缪尔最近在HBR的博客上探讨了科尔微博引发的营销教训。Alexandra Samuel recently explored the marketing lessons of the Cole tweet in her blog here on