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倭黑猩猩是猿的一种。The bonobo is a type of ape.

女性更善于使用工具?bonobo females better tool users than males.

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倭黑猩猩是猿的一种,是人类的近亲之一。The bonobo is a type of ape and one of our closest living relatives.

在这一实验中,一只黑猩猩或一只巴诺布猿面对一排三个站在它们面前的人。In this setup, a chimp or bonobo faced three people standing in a row.

它是男的倭人,已收录在巨猿语言的几个研究。It is a male bonobo who has been featured in several studies on great ape language.

虽然等级制度很明显,可是倭黑猩猩的社会常常被认为是平等的。This may seem obvious but bonobo societies are often portrayed as egalitarian affairs.

因此,纯粹为了启蒙,为了真正下定决心,我转向倭黑猩猩这一主题。And so, for absolute enlightenment, to really make up my mind, I turn to The Bonobo Thesis.

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我们知道,黑猩猩和倭黑猩猩就捕食其他哺乳动物,比如猴。Chimpanzees and their bonobo cousins are known to hunt and eat other mammals, including monkeys.

倭黑猩猩顾名思义是猩猩的一种,它们住在刚果并且是和人类最为相似。The bonobo is a type of ape. It lives only in the Congo and it's one of our closest living relatives.

雨林被毁、捕猎为食和作为宠物贩卖都对倭黑猩猩的生存构成了威胁。The bonobo is threatened by rain-forest destruction and is hunted for food and sale to the pet trade.

倭黑猩猩母亲几乎从不管教她们的幼仔,即使它们从妈妈的嘴里直接偷走食物。Bonobo mothers almost never discipline their young even when they steal food right out of mom's mouth!

在倭黑猩猩的社会中观察到的一个特色就是倭黑猩猩个体间的攻击行为不多。One special feature observed in bonobo society is the low level of aggression between individual bonobos.

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一个假设是倭黑猩猩的坏境食物充足,所以它们不需要使用工具寻觅食物。One hypothesis for this is that the bonobo environment is so rich in food, that they don't need to use tools.

是的,我认为,侏儒黑猩猩的性行为是,在人以外我们所知最灵活的行为。Yeah, the sexual behaviour of the bonobo is, I think, the most flexible behaviour we know outside the human species.

还有一种可能,这些蝙蝠仅仅是寻欢作乐而已,就像人类和黑猩猩一样。Although it's possible, he says, that bats are just being sexually playful, like their human and bonobo counterparts.

在人类的本性里有着分别来自于黑猩猩和倭黑猩猩的一面,所以问题是,我们如何才能表现得更多一些倭黑猩猩本性里一面,而少些黑猩猩本性里的一面。Humans are both chimps and bonobos in their nature and the question is how can we release more bonobo and less chimp.

在倭黑猩猩的社会里,这种母亲方面的帮助是可以接受的,因为雄猩猩生下来后就呆在原来的队伍里不走了。This type of maternal support is possible in bonobo societies because males tend to stay with the group they were born into.

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倭黑猩猩会和彼此不停地直接表现生理兴趣,表演性行为作为问候。Bonobo chimpanzees display their physical interest in one another directly and ceaselessly, performing sex acts as greetings.

所以,从倭黑猩猩这一主题来看,一个只有女人的星球似乎要比男人主宰的星球更加和平。So, if we use "The Bonobo Thesis", it seems likely that a female-only planet would be more peaceful than our masculine-led one.

她的小孩身上有一半的基因是她的,所以帮自己的孩子,母猩猩就可以确信下下一代将有最大的几率继承她的基因。In helping her own young, who share half of her DNA, a bonobo mother can ensure that her own genes have the best chance of being inherited by another generation.