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这是这个城市最繁忙的管辖区。This is the busiest precinct in the city.

琼斯警官来自理查盟德区。Officer Jones is from the Richmond precinct.

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他们工作在物分局庙。They were working in the Temple of Mut Precinct.

附近的巡逻车都已经被克莱门沙给打点好了。The precinct patrol car had been taken care of by Clemenza.

在索尔福德购物区,仍有与警方对峙的现象。Stand-offs with police continued around Salford shopping precinct.

他们委任选举区的评判员及在大选日工作的官员。They appoint precinct election judges and other election-day officials.

她是在运气和发现了停车空间的接近行人专用区。She is in luck and finds a parking space close to the pedestrian precinct.

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直到2003年,学校所在的晨边高地附近已经是纽约市内第三安全的地区了。By 2003, Morningside was the third-safest precinct in all of New York City.

曲江樟市镇群星管理区发现一座古墓。An ancient tomb was discovered at Qunxing precinct in Zhangshi of Qujiang County.

男孩女孩们,这是琼斯警官。琼斯警官来自理查盟德区。Boys and girls, this is Officer Jones. Officer Jones is from the Richmond precinct.

这座新的7层建筑与工程系大楼相互连接。The new 7-storey concrete building is inter-connected with the Engineering Precinct.

代表亚努科维奇的塞尔赫里。达维迪奇是基辅第八选区的委员。Serhiy Davydych is a commissioner representing Mr. Yanukovych at Precinct Number 8 in Kyiv.

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仅需数分钟即可抵达798艺术区、第三使馆区及三里屯娱乐区。Minutes from the 798 Art District, Third Diplomatic Precinct and Sanlitun entertainment area.

他曾是民主党选区区长,在芝加哥市水过滤厂工作。He was a Democratic precinct captain and worked at the city water filtration plant in Chicago.

坝派出所建筑物和设施,如船闸和升船机,筏道及鱼等。Dam precinct buildings and facilities, such as lock and shiplift, Raft Road and fish and so on.

设计师将图书馆和博物馆设在奥伯里文化管辖区显著的一角。ARM designed the combined library and museum on a prominent corner of Albury's Cultural Precinct.

但是一天,警察因指控他犯下妨害公共罪将他带到了警署。But one day, the police came to take him to the local police precinct on public-nuisance charges.

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雷柏锐在位于华埠的纽约警察局第五分局当了多年的职员。Seid worked for years as a clerk in the New York Police Department's Fifth Precinct in Chinatown.

这里的选举过程很特别,因为在每个选区只有一个候选人。The electoral process here is special for the fact only one candidate is nominated in each precinct.

四名警察在底特律第六区呗持枪男子击伤,最后持枪男子被击毙。The gunman wounded four police officers Sunday at Detroit's 6th precinct before he was shot and killed.