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精力过于充沛的青少年。Teenagers with an overabundance of energy.

水资源的过多或过少都会导致危机。Water resources overabundance or shortage will result in crisis.

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除非你有超多的时间和耐心,否则远离这种投资人。Unless you have an overabundance of time and patience, keep your distance.

毕竟,他和一个有著过剩的、他所缺少的特质的球员一起打球。After all, he plays with a guy who has an overabundance of those missing qualities.

多余的被毛,棉花一样的质地,总之,与野外工作不相称的地方都属于缺陷。Overabundance of coat, or cottony texture, impractical for field work should be penalized.

北方国家的食品部门表现优越,并且有过剩的食品。Northern countries are richly endowed with performing food sector, and overabundance of food.

慢性疼痛可能是由于一种过量的蛋白质放大了传递给大脑的疼痛信号。Chronic pain may be due to an overabundance of a protein, which amplifies the pain signal to the brain.

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这一季的首站,明尼阿波利斯市似乎都是些没有才华的人?Minneapolis, which was the first city this season, seemed to have an overabundance of untalented people.

过多的家庭作业占据了学生的全部业余时间,使他们无法享受学校生活。The overabundance of homework account all the time of the student's off hours , which let students can't enjoy the school life.

摄入过多的糖类导致卡路里超标,很容易增加体重,破坏血糖水平。An overabundance of carbohydrates can make it easy to gain weight, de-stabilize blood sugar levels, and result in too many calories.

我在上文提到,最近几十年来,提供给大学教职员工的资源是过剩的。I've written previously about the overabundance of resources that in recent decades were directed to university faculty and staff positions.

过量的‘诺金’看似导致了干细胞自身的衰竭,威胁到它们将来制造更多神经元的能力。An overabundance of Noggin seemed to cause stem cells to wear themselves out, threatening their ability to make additional neurons in the future.

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过量的omega-6脂肪酸亦会引起身体其他炎症,增加患心脏病、中风和老年痴呆症的风险。An overabundance of omega-6 fats can also produce inflammation in other areas of the body that increase risk for heart disease, stroke and dementia.

每个人都希望“借媒体大出风头”,所以搞出麦田怪圈的很显然是这些人中最为古怪的一个,并且他有过多的空闲时间。Everyone is looking for their "15 minutes of fame". Crop circles are definitely one of the odder pursuits of those who have an overabundance of time.

最近,我们发现主动脉壁上某种酵素过量,可能造成许多患者动脉瘤的形成与生长。We have recently found evidence that an overabundance of certain enzymes in the aortic wall probably contributes to the formation and growth of aneurysms in many victims.

目前中国润滑油调合厂数量过多、规模太小,产品质量和品种与国外相比存在很大差距。China currently possesses an overabundance of small lubricant blending plants, producing products of inferior quality and limited variety as compared with foreign products.

长期以来,在中国古代文学的知识体系构建过程中,我们过多地关注其中的对立,过度地寻绎文学史的发展规律。In the process of building for the system of chinese ancient literary history. , we focus overabundance attention on the conflicts and the seeking for the regulations of literary history.