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我船开航去援助你。I proceed to your assistance.

需要港方援助。Shoreside assistance required.

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我们怎样得到法律援助?How do we get legal assistance?

非营利性援助计划。Non-profit assistance programs.

她依靠他的帮助。She drew on him for assistance.

中方是否向所方提供了援助?Has China offered any assistance?

我船需要破冰援助。I require ice-breaker assistance.

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编辑器之中的帮助性弹出文本Assistance pop-up text in the editor

其中半数需要紧急援助。Half of them need urgent assistance.

如果需要帮忙,请打电话。Please call if you require assistance.

中方是否还会向非洲受灾国提供新的援助?Will China provide further assistance?

你能给我们雷达协助到BH吗?Can you give us radar assistance to BH?

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就这样,我接受了康雨明的资助。So, I accepted Kang Yuming's assistance.

不用谢,能帮上你的忙我真高兴。You're welcome, glad to be of assistance.

我想我现在需要你的专业协助。I think I need your expert assistance now.

先生,出了什么问题?我能为您做些什么?。What's problem, sir?Can Ibe of assistance?

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是否考虑向其提供援助?Will you consider any assistance to offer?

在诗里找到那么有力的神助。And found such fair assistance in my verse.

破冰援助编队护航已完成。Ice-breaker assistance for convoy finished.