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不要因为拼写错误而破坏了你的成就。Don't undermine your achievements by misspelling them.

这样可以防止误拼方法名之类的常见错误。This would prevent a common mistake like misspelling the method name.

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同样,如果你拼错了你的工作头衔,那也是很糟糕的。So is a misspelling or inaccurate version of the job title that your applying for.

小学那阵儿,稀里糊涂地在一次作文里将“熊猫”误写成“能猫”。"Neng Mao"was one tiny misspelling of Panda in Chinese, which I made in elementary school.

通过仿制意大利金融官员的签名,他伪造了一系列的意大利短期国债。He forged a series of Italian treasury bills, misspelling the name of an Italian finance official.

双关语用滥了看了令人生厌,荒诞不经的故事有点千篇一律,错误的拼写使人读起来特别吃力。Puns exasperate after a while, tall tales have a certain sameness, misspelling is a strain to read.

所以,如果在非常大的字典里查找拼写错误的最相近匹配,这个算法就太慢了。As a result, this algorithm is too slow for finding the closest match for a misspelling in very large dictionaries.

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这意味着,不用过多考虑方法名称的拼写错误,因为编译器能够立即指出这类错误。It means never thinking twice about misspelling a method name because the compiler immediately indicates the error.

日前,美国国务卿希拉里赠送给俄罗斯外长一个带有“重启”按钮的礼物,但按钮上的俄文单词却拼错了,俄罗斯媒体对此事大加取笑。US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after she gave her Russian counterpart a "reset" button with an ironic misspelling.

语音匹配算法不能用它的替换来匹配这种拼写错误,因为两个单词听起来是不同的。A phonetic matching algorithm cannot match this type of misspelling with its replacement, since the two words sound different.

仅在一周之前,我收到了一位烦人的粉丝的电子邮件,告诉我在我的网页的首页上有一个拼写错误,我又一次,烦死了。Only the week before I had received an email from another perturbed fan about a misspelling on my own website's homepage.Again, not my finest hour.

日前,美国国务卿希拉里赠送给俄罗斯外长一个带有“重启”按钮的礼物,但按钮上的俄文单词却拼错了,俄罗斯媒体对此事大加取笑。Russian media has been poking fun at US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after she gave her Russian counterpart a "reset" button with an ironic misspelling.

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日前,美国国务卿希拉里赠送给俄罗斯外长一个带有“重启”按钮的礼物,但按钮上的俄文单词却拼错了,俄罗斯媒体对此事大加取笑。Russian media has been poking fun at US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after she gave her Russian counterpart a "reset" button with an ironic misspelling.