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欧胡岛上也有。Oahu has them, too.

但我们先把欧胡岛玩遍了再说。But let's explore all of Oahu first.

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欧胡岛欢迎你!!!The Island of Oahu Welcomes You! ! !

但我的旅行在瓦胡岛达到高潮。But my trip culminated on Oahu Island.

“导弹会击中考艾岛,”他说,“而我们住在瓦胡岛上。”“It would hit Kauai, ” he said. “We are on Oahu.”

在该岛上面是近来成立一个卡梅哈梅哈翼的瓦胡岛的博物馆。Above is a close-up of a Kamehameha wing from an Oahu museum.

你有没有留意过欧胡岛上总爱问这问那的小鸟“小吱吱”?Have you ever noticed Little Squeaks on Oahu Island who always asks questions?

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自从欧巴马上周抵达欧胡岛之后,他已经出现在公开场合好几次。Obama has made few public appearances since arriving on the island of Oahu last week.

上回奥阿胡号到这里来的时候,船上的事务长对我讲,他在所有这些岛上还从来没有遇见过比她更好的姑娘呢。The purser of the Oahu told me last journey that he hadn't met a nicer girl in the islands.

瓦胡岛成为美国在第二次世界大战期间指挥太平洋军事行动的指挥部。Oahu served as the command base for American operations in the Pacific during World War Two.

珍珠港位于瓦胡岛的南海岸,大约离檀香山有10英里。Pearl harbor , located on the south coast of oahu , is only about 10 miles away from honolulu.

距震中250公里、口最多的瓦胡岛城市火努鲁鲁有震感。The quake was felt in Honolulu, 250 kilometers away on the chain's most populated island of Oahu.

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在美国排名前25位的酒店市场中,夏威夷欧胡岛的全部三项指标增长幅度是最大的。Among the Top 25 Markets, Oahu Island, Hawaii, reported the largest increases in all three metrics.

这次袭击显然是上主的瓦胡岛上所有的海军和军事活动作出。The attack was apparently made on all naval and military activities on the principal island of Oahu.

我想瓦胡岛上的怀基基海滩上的日落或许是世界上最浪漫的。但对我却一点也不浪漫!I guess that the sunset at Waikiki beach on Oahu must be the most romantic beach in the world. But not to me!

其他的夏威夷人则经历了一些不怎麽愉快的后遗症。Other Hawaiians witnessed some less welcome aftereffects. Streetlights suddenly blinked out on the island of Oahu.

因此,她把这些T恤衫藏了起来,包括一件来自某家沥青公司和一件来自瓦胡岛某家潜水店的刹绿色T恤衫。So she hides the T-shirts, including one from an asphalt company and a 'screaming green' one from a scuba shop in Oahu.

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高达两米的海浪袭击了夏威夷群岛,淹没了瓦胡岛的威基基度假村的海滩。Waves of up to two meters hit the Hawaiian chain of islands, swamping the beach at the Waikiki resort on the island of Oahu.

威基基海滩夏威夷欧胡岛一个著名的海滩和度假区,位于檀香山东南。困其优越的冲浪条件而闻名。A famous beach and resort district of Oahu Island, Hawaii, southeast of Honolulu. It is known for its fine surfing conditions.

为此,当Mila住在这个岛上时,于是被吸引至瓦湖岛植物园去参观。Mila was therefore drawn to visit the botanical gardens of Oahu recurrently for parallel reasons as she lived upon this island.