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几种盐肤木属植物的染色体观察。The chromosome observation on 4 species in the genus Rhus.

本文叙述了漆树茎次生韧皮部各组成分子的超微结构。The ultrastructure of the secondary phloem of Rhus verniciflua Stokes was studies.

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这些特征表明,盐肤木采用以保护型为主的多种方式适应岩溶干旱环境。It is then concluded that Rhus chinensis adapts to the karst drought environment with protection type.

油松、火炬能够增加降雨中总氮、总磷的含量。The content of total N and total P in rainfall could be increased by Pinus tabulaeformis and Rhus typhina.

青麸杨是山区优良的蜜粉源植物资源,也是五倍子蚜虫的寄主植物。Rhus potaniinii Maxim is a fine nectar and pollen plant resource in the mountains and is a host plant of Chinese gall.

摘要青麸杨是山区优良的蜜粉源植物资源,也是五倍子蚜虫的寄主植物。Rhus potaniinii Maxim is a fine nectar and pollen plant resource in the mountains and is a host plant of Chinese gall.

真漆是指将从漆树取出的树液纯化和脱水后取得。漆树产于中国,之后移植日本。True lacquer is the purified and dehydrated sap of the Rhus vernicifera tree, native to ChIna and cultivated In Japan.

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对盐肤木茎进行木材解剖学研究,发现其导管分子穿孔板为单穿孔板。The study of the stem's secondary xylem of Rhus chinensis Mill reveals that perforation plate is simple perforation plate.

本文对陕西产三个漆树品种引种和试割进行了初步总结。The introduction and trial lacquer tapping of 3 cultivars of Rhus verniciflua have been studied preliminarily in this paper.

最后提出,在火炬树大量繁殖后并影响经济效益、社会效益或不能满足人们要求时,可以采取的控制措施。Finally, in large Rhus typhina tree breeding, will affect the economic, social or unable to meet demand, control measures can be taken.

采用平均标准木法对五倍子蚜虫夏寄主主要树种盐肤木和红麸杨人工幼龄林的生物量及其分配进行了测定和研究。The biomass and its allocation of the young plantation of Rhus chinensis and R. punjabensis was determined with the average standard tree method.

常见例子有盐肤木、白背漆、野漆树、假海芋、海芋、芋及海漆。Common examples include Rhus chinensis, Rhus hypoleuca, Rhus succedanea Alocasia cucullata, Alocasia macrorrhiza, Colocasia esculenta and Excocaria agallocha.

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考查了各种无机盐溶液处理不同无机载体,活化反应及漆树酶固定化条件对固定化漆树酶性能的影响。Conditions of various transition metal salts activating inorganic carriers and immobilization of Rhus laccase influence the properties of immobilized Rhus laccase.

为了探索促进盐肤木种子萌发的方法,研究了浓硫酸酸蚀处理对盐肤木种子萌发的促进作用。In order to explore the methods to promote the seeds germination of Rhus chinensis, researches were conducted on the effect of sulfuric acid treating to seeds germination.

通过石蜡切片和扫描电镜观察,研究了岩溶环境下生长的盐肤木叶片结构特征。Leaf structure of Rhus chinensis in karst area is studied by paraffin sectioning and electron microscope and some xerophilous structures are found in leaf under water stress.

本发明能促进日本野漆树在酸性土壤迅速生长,较快地进入主产期,提高经济效益、生态效益。The method can promote the Japanese Rhus succedaneum to rapidly grow in the acid soil and quickly enter the main production period so as to improve the economic and ecological benefits.

本论文采取了野外调查和室内试验相结合的研究方法,对外来种火炬树是否对引种地生态环境构成生物入侵的问题进行了研究。In this paper, the methods of the field investigations and laboratory testing were applied to come to a conclusion if Rhus typhina causes the biological invasion for the local environment.

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日本黄栌又名日本野漆树,是集果用、园林绿化、水土保持与一体的树种,具有良好的社会效益、经济效益、生态效益。Rhus succedanea L. is a multipurpose fruit tree species, which can be used for landscaping, water and soil conservation, so it have good social benefit, economic benefit and ecosystem benefit.

蜂群在山西省南部转地饲养,很好的利用了青麸杨蜜粉源植物,对养蜂生产具有重要指导意义。Honeybee colonies get good honey and pollen in migratory beekeeping of southern Shanxi Province. The beekeeping production of Rhus potaniinii Maxim nectar and pollen plant provides a scientific basis.