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泥在盐上。Mud on salt.

加盐,尝尝咸淡。Salt to taste.

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四是盐茶。Fourth, salt tea.

我说的是碘盐。It’s iodized salt.

盐渍茄子!Salt the eggplant!

盐溶于水。Salt melts in water.

这汤不够咸。The soup needs salt.

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这是一种中性盐。It is a neutral salt.

生理盐水含有盐分。Saline contains salt.

那块猪肉太咸了。The pork is too salt.

眼泪就像海上的盐粒。Tears as the sea salt.

他错把盐放进了茶里。He put salt in the tea.

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吃盐还是不吃?To salt or not to salt?

你能把盐递过来吗?Could you pass the salt?

请传盐巴给我。Please pass me the salt.

海水含有盐分。Sea water contains salt.

加入香草香精和食盐。Add the vanilla and salt.

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不要忘了放盐。Don t forget to add salt.

饮食中减少盐的摄入。Reduce salt in your diet.

盐分会使农作物变成红褐色。Salt will rust the crops.