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每个平行四边形的面积各是多少?What's the area of each parallelogram?

那么现在这个平行四边形的面积是多少?OK, so now what the area of this parallelogram?

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你们也看到了,它的确看起来像一个平行四边形。And, you see, it does look like a parallelogram.

这个平行四边形有多大呢?Let's try to understand how big this parallelogram is.

如果它足够小,它可以近似成平行四边形。If it is small enough,it will look like a parallelogram.

四边形被剪成了平行四边形。The shear changed the quadrilateral into a parallelogram.

每个三角形的面积等于拼成的平行四边形面积的。The area of every triangle equals the area of the parallelogram.

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对所绘制的图元文件进行缩放和剪切,以适合平行四边形的大小。The drawn metafile is scaled and sheared to fit the parallelogram.

该仪器索赔9日,其中四杆连杆是一个平行四边形。The apparatus of claim 9, wherein the four-bar-linkage is a parallelogram.

正方形、长方形、平行四边形面积的计算公式。We have learned the area formulas of square , rectangle and parallelogram.

矢量相加还有一种方法,我称为“平行四边形法There's another way you can do it and I call that "the parallelogram method."

这平行四边形的面积,等于叉积的模长。And, the area of a parallelogram is given by the magnitude of a cross product.

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当然这个平行四边形还是有同样的面积,也在同一个平面上。Sure, the parallelogram still has the same area, and it's still in the same plane.

答案是5,目前为止,这个平行四边形的面积,是那个正方形面积的5倍。That's 5. OK, this parallelogram is apparently five times the size of this square.

单位时间内,通过C的流体,实际上就是一个平行四边形。I claim that what goes through C in unit time is actually going to be a parallelogram.

或者说它可以有轻微的弯曲,但它大体上像一个平行四边形。I mean it might be slightly curvy, but roughly it looks like a parallelogram in space.

最后证明了平行四边形域上W曲面具有保凸性。Finally, we prove that theW-surface on the parallelogram have the convexity-preserving.

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本文还提出了一种平行四边形预测方法来压缩顶点坐标。This paper proposes a parallelogram prediction method for vertex coordinate compression.

再解释一下,你的问题是,为什么行列式等于平行四边形的面积?Explain again, sorry, was the question how a determinant equals the area of a parallelogram?

下图显示的是原始的影像和对应至平形四边形的影像。The following illustration shows the original image and the image mapped to the parallelogram.