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在十字路口右转。Turn right at this intersection.

你看到的是一个交叉点。What you see is an intersection.

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两条路或街相交的地方。An intersection formed in this way.

没有发生“三重相交”And, there's no triple intersection.

请在那个交叉口前停车。Please stop before that intersection.

榆树大街橡树大街交界处聚众斗殴。"Brawl at Elm and Oak Intersection ".

最靠近的主要交流道是哪一个?What's the closest major intersection?

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总是试图建立一个交汇点。Always try to build to an intersection.

到下个十字路口,还有多远?How far is it to the next intersection?

在交叉路口处有停车标志。There is a stop sign at an intersection.

在第一个大交叉路口朝左转。Turn left at the first big intersection.

在前面那个大十字路口左转。Turn left at that big intersection ahead.

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车辆在交叉路口拥塞起来。The traffic banked up at the intersection.

立拓·上海城,在此交集。Lituo·Shanghai-city , in this intersection.

在相交处应画出交线的投影。Draw the projection of the intersection line.

但一个智能路口可以挽救你的生命。But a smart intersection could save your life.

最接近的交集是阿拉珀霍和约旦。The closest intersection is Arapahoe & Jordan.

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每个交接点都悬浮着一段树干。At each intersection is suspended a tree trunk.

恩,在下一个十字路口就能左拐。Yes. You can make a left at the next intersection.

讨论了最长路的交及性质。The intersection of the longest paths is discussed.