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有一次她做了奶酪蛋糕。Once she made cheesecake.

伊利诺伊州芝加哥的Eli芝士蛋糕世界Eli's Cheesecake World, Chicago, Illinois

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我记得去数沙拉的数量但忘了数芝士蛋糕的数量。I remember the to count salad but forget the cheesecake.

芝士蛋糕是一类用芝士作为基本材料的甜点。Cheesecake is a large family of sweet, cheese-based cakes.

为什麽我会有这张起士蛋糕的照片呢?What is the chance that I have a picture of a cheesecake ?

雪蛤会击中你下次党和喜爱的节日食品礼物…Cheesecake will be the hit of your next party and a favorite holiday food gift.

将3汤勺的酪饼馅料和少许草莓片涂于饼干上。Spread 3 tablespoon cheesecake filling and a few strawberry slices on a cookie.

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而月饼的馅有红豆、咸蛋黄、奶酪、北京烤鸭等。Fillings range from red bean with salted egg yolks to cheesecake to Peking duck.

之后,丽娜端出自制的点心——带着香草冰淇淋的奶酪蛋糕。Then she brought out her homemade cheesecake with vanilla ice cream for dessert.

我从模子里取出软干酪蛋糕,直接把它放在涂好奶油的巧克力层上。I unmolded the crustless cheesecake directly on top of the frosted chocolate layer.

过分搅拌会带进更多的空气,已至芝士蛋糕过脆。Over-stirring can add too much air into batter, which can cause cheesecake to crack.

在我们吃下那块儿香甜的乳酪蛋糕时,究竟是什么控制了我们的大脑?What, exactly, is going on inside our brain when we take a bite of that fudge cheesecake?

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我的的祖母做的起司蛋糕棒极了,她在我13岁的生日时做了一个樱桃起司蛋糕,美味极了。My grandma makes the best cheesecake – cherry cheesecake. She made that for my 13th birthday.

同时,这样做你也能够强壮你的心脏并燃烧掉前一晚上吃的奶酪蛋糕的热量。Additionally, you will strengthen your heart and burn off the cheesecake from the night before.

过分搅拌会带进更多的空气,已至芝士蛋糕过脆。DO NOT over-beat. Over-stirring can add too much air into batter, which can cause cheesecake to crack.

起司蛋糕口味之冰淇淋,搭配酸中带甜之草莓浓浆及道地起司蛋糕片。Since 1964, this classic has been made with Cheesecake ice cream, a strawberry ribbon and cheesecake pieces.

如你们大部分人所知道的,我的现任妻子喜欢烤芝士蛋糕,而且她的确是一个有魅力会做菜的伴侣。As many of you know, my current mistress is baked cheesecake and she is indeed a seductive and tasty partner.

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我们每个人都十分喜欢这种奶酪蛋糕,所以我们开始告诉Kendra,她能够通过卖这个东西赚到很多钱。All of us loved this cheesecake so much, that we started to tell Kendra how much she could make by selling them.

他同时也是媒体上的明星,在模特广告,美女挂历,甚至火柴盒盖儿上抛头露面。He was a media star, posing for cheesecake publicity shoots, popping up on girlie calendars and matchbook covers.

加入到之前的烤盆里,烤盆下面放一个大烤盘,放入烤箱。Pour mixture into springform pan over crumbs. Place the cheesecake pan on a larger baking pan and place in the oven.