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他患了消化道疾病。He had the disease of alimentary canal.

看完了介绍,我们对这款滋养水都有了一定的了解。Read the introduction, we have a certain alimentary water.

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很需要你,就像土地需要雨水滋养。Really need you, just like the earth need rain alimentary.

位于消化道前端开口的空腔。The mouth cavity at the anterior end of the alimentary canal.

消化道或其他器官分支的盲端。A blindly ending branch of the alimentary canal or other organ.

用嘴咬或嚼使变得很软而把它咽下去。A soft mass of chewed food within the mouth or alimentary canal.

消化道粘膜上皮呈扁平状、立方状或柱状。The epithelium of the alimentary canal is squamous, cuboidal or columnar.

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在胃肠道均未发现胃泌素细胞和胰高血糖素细胞。The gastrin and the glucagon cells were not found in the alimentary canal.

除此外,白塞病尚可累及消化道和神经系统等。Some patients were complicated with alimentary tract and neurologic manifestations.

夏眠退化晚期,仿刺参不再摄食,消化道萎缩成细线状,组织结构退化严重。More significant degeneration was observed in the structure of the alimentary tract.

胃癌全胃切除后消化道重建的方式颇多,各有利弊。There are various fashions of reconstruction of alimentary tract after total gastrectomy.

结论奥曲肽是治疗非甾体类抗炎药致上消化道大出血的理想药物。Conclusion Octreotide is an idea drug with treating upper alimentary canal massive hemorrhage.

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实验组低镁发生率随消化道反应程度增高而增加。The frequency of hypomagnesemia in DDP group increased with the degree of alimentary duct toxities.

目的探索一种可选择用于各种胃切除术的消化道重建术式。Objective To explore a rather ideal reconstruction of alimentary tract for every type of gastrectomy.

从消化管携带血液穿过肝脏的血管,之后血液被运送到心脏。A vein that carries blood from the alimentary canal through the liver before returning it to the heart.

原始脂肪物质含有一定量的不被人类消化系统水解的物质。Crude fatty materials contain certain substances that are not hydrolyzed in the human alimentary system.

结果表明,光滑足距小蠹消化道由前肠、中肠和后肠三部分组成。The results showed that the alimentary canal of X. germanus was composed of foregut, midgut and hindgut.

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动物中体腔内的内部器官,尤其是指那些与消化道相联系的器官。In animals, the internal organs in the body cavity, especially those associated with the alimentary canal.

目的探讨钩虫感染导致消化道出血的临床特点。Objective To investigate clinical characteristic of alimentary tract hemorrhage caused by ancylostomiasis.

治疗组病人CPB术后的消化道症状发生率较对照组低。The morbidity of alimentary symptoms in the experimental group after CPB was lower than the control group.