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沙眼是什么?What is Trachoma?

沙眼的症状是什么?What are the symptoms of trachoma?

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沙眼能做近视手术吗?。Can trachoma become myopic operation?

怎样治疗沙眼?What treatment is available for trachoma?

卡特中心,健康计划,沙眼。The Carter Center, Health Programs, Trachoma.

根据这些症状判断,您患的是沙眼。According to the symptoms, your trouble is trachoma.

砂眼。打光后可以达到镜面效果。Trachoma. Lighting can be achieved after the mirror effect.

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沙眼通过眼睛和呼吸道分泌物在人群中传播。Trachoma is transmitted person-to-person by ocular and respiratory secretions.

怎样预防和控制沙眼以及防止其导致失明?What can be done to prevent and control trachoma and eliminate it as a cause of blindness?

使沙眼减少到最低的程度,从而使产品质量大大提高。Make trachoma decrease to lowest degree, messenger product quality improves thereby greatly.

无气孔和沙眼,焊接后可直接进行削磨,抛光加工及皮皱处理。No bubble and trachoma produced, directly grinding, polishing and wrinkle treatment after welding.

复发的危险因素尚无深入研究,尤其是在沙眼的高发区。Risk factors for recurrence have not been widely studied, particularly in trachoma hyperendemic areas. METHODS.

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沙眼是世界上导致可预防性失明的首要病因,是仅次于白内障导致失明的次要病因。Trachoma is the world's leading cause of preventable blindness and the second cause of blindness after cataract.

其中螺纹锁紧、管螺纹密封、砂眼浸封缺氧胶生产量、销售量在国内领先。One thread lock, pipe thread sealing, trachoma Baptist hypoxia plastic closure production, sales in the domestic leader.

患沙眼多年和反复感染微生物如沙眼衣原体后可导致失明。Blindness from trachoma occurs after years and years of repeated infection with the microorganism, Chlamydia trachomatis.

本篇报告著者等在三年间,使用细隙灯生体显微镜所做砂眼检查的结果。This paper presents the results of trachoma epidemiology studied, during the past three years, with slit-lamp biomicroscope.

将这些方法用于预防和控制诸如沙眼等疾病也存在重要的机会。Significant opportunities also exist to integrate these efforts with the prevention and control of diseases such as trachoma.

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沙眼是公共卫生和社区保健的标识及多数人失明的原因。Trachoma is an indicator of public health and community health issues as well as a pathway to blindness for many individuals.

淋病双球菌还对沙眼衣原体的复发起到加速作用。Clap diplococcus returns the recrudesce of former to trachoma garment put oneself in another's position to rise to accelerate effect.

亦可用于泌尿道感染、百日咳、腹膜炎、败血症、结膜炎及沙眼等。It is also used for used for the treatment of urinary infection pertussis peritonitis septicaemia conjunctivitis and trachoma ta etc.