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我找到了我信念的慰籍。I find my solace in faith.

我是索拉斯的统治者。I'm the High Theocrat of Solace.

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你看到他们对索拉斯做了什么。You saw what they did to Solace.

我们得赶快回到索拉斯。We must return to Solace quickly.

那男病人从音乐中获得了安慰。The sick man found solace in music.

所有这些都并不能让达能感到宽慰。None of this is much solace to Danone.

他平生的慰藉是探亲访友,打听消息。Her life's solace was visiting and news.

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他的诗歌是人类的财富和慰藉。They are they property and the solace of mankind.

刚开始我觉得从工作中获得安慰有一种内疚感。I felt guilty at first about the solace I took from work.

市场仅在油价的回调中才找了些许安慰。The market found only slight solace in retreating oil prices.

而且,它需要无需慰藉的洞察力的灵魂。Above all, it requires clairvoyant souls—that is, without solace.

“不过我想你很聪明,”贝茜继续说,以表示安慰。I dare say you are clever, though, continued Bessie, by way of solace.

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僧侣们是他唯一的精神依靠,演奏寺院的钟鼓是他唯一的乐趣。The monks were his only solace and playing the temple drums his only joy.

她中风后一直在康复中,这让我大感安慰。I take much solace in the fact that she has been recovering from her stroke.

这民族完全投身于现在,不与神话同生,不与慰藉同活。This race, wholly cast into its present, lives without myths, without solace.

剩下的人则通过没有关闭该网页的其他国家接入,以寻求安慰。Others have sought solace in the failure of other countries to police the web.

吉卜赛女性形象给人以心灵的慰藉和精神的充盈。Gypsy female images give people with the mind's solace and the adequate spirit.

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有负罪感的人为什么不尽早地让自己获得这种难言的慰藉呢?Why should not the guilty ones sooner avail themselves of this unutterable solace?

我孤单时,只想做你的快乐的伙伴,只要你吻的安慰。I want only the pleasure of your company, the solace of your kisses when I am lonely.

因为杰克在与经历分手后的低落情绪作斗争,朋友都在尽力给予安慰。Since Jack's in the throes of post-breakup depression, his friends try to solace him.