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主要症状为上腹不适与黑便。Epigastric distress and melena were main symptoms.

上腹不适是其常见表现。Epigastric upset is the most common manifestation.

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持续严重心口痛,恶心,呕吐。Persistent severe epigastric pain, nausea, or vomiting.

其后数年患者有反覆上腹痛之症状。Recurrent epigastric pain occurred in the following years.

通常是暂时性的呃逆所造成的腹部不适。Transitory hiccup is usually caused by epigastric irritation.

一名87岁女子提出上腹疼痛和呕吐。An 87-year-old woman presented with epigastric pain and vomiting.

上腹部灼痛感,乏力。食欲不振。胸闷。流涎等。Epigastric burning sense of malaise. Anorexia. Chest tightness. Drooling.

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因周边神经鞘瘤而引起上腹疼痛则非常少见。Peripheral nerve neurilemoma is an unusual cause of epigastric discomfort.

突发上腹部疼痛伴腰背放射痛是其主要表现。The chief complaint was sudden epigastric pain with radiation of pain to the back.

男性,25岁教员,常于饭前上腹痛,已两年之久。Male, 25 years old, teacher, has epigastric pain usually before meals for two years.

我们报告的是一位五十八岁女性,其症状是发烧及上腹痛。We present the case of a 58-year-old woman complaining of fever and epigastric pain.

目的评估MRI动态增强检查在上腹部病变诊断中的应用价值。Objective Toevaluate the enhanced dynamic MRI in the diagnosis of epigastric lesions.

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胃脘痛其治疗方法很多,但针刺治疗,往往能迅速取得满意的疗效。Acupuncture was one of the therapies to treat the epigastric pain. It got effect quickly.

冠状动脉是腹壁下动脉和闭孔动脉的吻和支。Coronary artery is proboscis and ramus of inferior epigastric artery and obturator artery.

主要消化道症状为上腹痛,伴全身症状者较少。The main gastrointestinal manifestation was epigastric pain with infrequent systemic symptoms.

体格检查表明该患者有黄疸及轻微上腹触痛。Physical examination confirmed that the patient was jaundiced and had mild epigastric tenderness.

同时在病患的右上腹部可以听到血管嘈音,高度怀疑是肾血管高血压。Abdominal bruit was heard in the right epigastric area. Renovascular hypertension was highly suspected.

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他的胸、腹部看不出有任何伤口或碰撞的痕迹,上腹部却有中等度的压痛。His chest and abdomen had no visible wounds or contusions but there was moderate epigastric tenderness.

腹壁浅静脉是治疗小儿精索静脉曲张症较为理想的分流血管。This suggests that superficial epigastric vein is an ideal shunt vessel for treatment of child varicocele.

临床症状以上腹部疼痛为主,伴或不伴腰背部放射痛。Epigastric pain was the predominant clinical manifestation, with or without radiating lumbar and back pain.