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基质金属蛋白酶-8,11,19和组织蛋白酶B在异常胎盘绒毛组织中的表达。Expression of matrix metalloproteinase-8,11,19 and cathepsin B in abnormal placental tissues.

组织蛋白酶D检测有助于了解含黏液腺癌的胃癌的生物学行为。Cathepsin D expression can help for understanding the biological behavior of CMAC of the stomach.

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研究表明,鲢鱼肌肉中的内源组织蛋白酶在鱼糜凝胶劣化中起重要作用。Research made known, endogenous cathepsin in the silver carp muscle took the significant action in surimi morori.

这种分子就是组织蛋白酶S,现在还不清楚它在血液中的指标能否用于预测病人的死亡率或者患病率。It's not yet clear whether measuring this chemical, cathepsin S, could help doctors predict risk of death or disease in individuals.

方法应用免疫组化技术测定组织蛋白酶B在肾癌患者癌组织和癌周组织中阳性的表达。Methods Immunohistochemical staining for cathepsin B was done by the streptavidin-biotin method in 20 renal cell carcinoma patients.

旨在探讨组织蛋白酶与癌细胞的关系,为临床治疗癌症提供依据。The purpose is to investigate the relation of cathepsin D with cancer cell and to provide information to clinic in order to cure cancer.

布洛芬对软骨降解及基质金属蛋白酶13和组织蛋白酶K水平无明显影响。Ibuprofen had no obvious effect on articular cartilage degradation and decreasing the levels of matrix metalloproteinase 13 and cathepsin K.

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上述结果表明溶酶体半胱氨酸组织蛋白酶在鲢鱼鱼糜凝胶软化中起一定作用,而且组织蛋白酶L可能是重要的蛋白水解酶。It was suggested that the modori of silver carp surimi was partly induced by the thiol cathepsins in muscle lysosome, especially cathepsin L.

组织蛋白酶是溶酶体内的蛋白水解酶,与多种器官的纤维化和肿瘤有密切关系。Cathepsin is a class of intracellular lysosomal proteases and has a close relationship with the fibrosis and tumor development in multiple organs.

结论组织蛋白酶D可作为判断非小细胞肺癌淋巴结转移潜能和预后的辅助标志。Conclusion The expression of cathepsin D in cancer cells can be used to evaluate the lymph node metastaticpredilection and poor prognosis in NSCLC.

但现有的证据还不充分,所以医生还不能根据组织蛋白酶S的水平预测心血管疾病和癌症的患病率,至少这个预测方法不比现有的方法更可靠。That doesn't necessarily mean that cathepsin S will help physicians predict the risk of cardiovascular disease or cancer better than existing tools can.

结果腮腺导管上皮细胞感染HCMV后,作为上皮性标志物的角蛋白表达转为阴性,而组织蛋白酶D的表达转为强阳性。Results Cytokeratin which acts as an epithelial marker became negative while staining of Cathepsin D was intensified in parotid duct epithelial cells after infected by HCMV.

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调查结果经过分析,在剔除年龄、体重、血压、服药和疾病史,组织蛋白酶S被证明与死亡率有着紧密的联系。After controlling for other factors, such as age, weight, blood pressure, medications, and history of disease, cathepsin S levels were still linked to a greater risk of death.

结论华支睾吸虫组织蛋白酶D样天冬氨酸蛋白酶基因可在原核表达系统中获得具有免疫原性的高效表达,为进一步研究该蛋白的功能奠定了基础。It is concluded that the gene of cathepsin D like aspartic protease of Clonorchis sinensis, can be efficiently expressed in the prokaryotic system with immunological activities.

SLPI能抑制中性粒细胞的弹性蛋白酶、组织蛋白酶G、肥大细胞的类糜蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶和糜蛋白酶,在变态反应性疾病和炎症中起重要作用。SLPI possesses potent inhibitory activity against neutrophil elastase, cathepsin G, chymase, trypsin and chymotrypsin and play an important role in allergic and inflammatory diseases.

对卵母细胞发育主要不同时相特别是卵母细胞最后生理成熟过程进行了连续观察,测定了组织蛋白酶C在卵母细胞发育过程中的比活性。In this study, the developmental process of the prawn oocytes was examined with light microscope and the cathepsin C activity was measured during oogenesis and final oocyte maturation.