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据记载,这是亨利国王唯一一次驾临怀伊。This is the one and only time Henry is known to have visited Wye.

思想禁锢整夜,怅怀一宿你冷吗?Thinking detained throughout the night, you Protection of Wye head cold?

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现在你可以在怀伊河谷这个似乎和美国没有什么关系的地方找到答案。Well, now you can, albeit in the unlikely surroundings of the Wye Valley.

在怀依河会谈中,他已经突破了自己的政治安全底线,所以他的前途变数太多。He had gone beyond his political safety zone at Wye River, and his future was uncertain.

怀依河谈判取得成功不到两个月后,谈判就又遇到了麻烦。Less than two months after the triumph at Wye River, the negotiations were in trouble again.

“怀河草地”是一处由农舍改造而成的赏心悦目的建筑群。Wye Lea is a collection of farm buildings that have been converted into an attractive complex.

在路上,您将需要落料斗的蒙特贝罗工业怀并继续。On the way, you will need to drop-off the hopper on the Montebello industrial wye and continue.

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瓦伊河在英格兰西部,实际上它构成了英格兰与威尔士的边界。The Wye River is in western England, and in fact forms part of the border between England and Wales.

我向巴勒斯坦国民议会发表了演讲,这是我在怀依河会议中承诺过的。And I gave the speech to the Palestinian National Council that I had pledged to deliver at Wye River.

在怀河的两岸散布著罗马和中世纪时期著名的建筑。By the banks of the River Wye , Monmouth has historic connections with early Roman and medieval times.

就说怀娥吧,看起来像斯文斯克人,姓是英国的,名字则是北美的,实际上却有可能是个俄国人。Wye looked Svenska and had British last name with North American first name but could have been Russki.

有时候觉得你离得很近,就在手边,弯一下手臂就能拥你入怀。Sometimes you feel that from the very recent, on the hand, bending the arm Yong you will be able to Wye.

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当时卡车上搭载多名筑路工人,正准备前往坎大哈省潘杰瓦伊地区工作。More than the truck was carrying construction workers are preparing to go to Jack Pan Wye district of Kandahar province.

甚至是别人弃若敝履、毫不珍惜的,自己竟还没有把它一拥入怀的份儿。Even if others abandoned Bilv without treasure, it does not talk about buying their own supporters into a Wye do nothing.

怀依河谈判进行的同时,厄斯金·鲍尔斯正在设法就预算问题与国会展开紧张的商讨。While the talks were going on at Wye River, Erskine Bowles was managing intense negotiations with Congress over the budget.

如果永怀不灭的梦想,即使做出错误的选择,也能因为第二个选择而搭上幸福的列车。If Wye eternal dream forever, even made the wrong choice can also because the second option and happiness to catch the train.

尽管他由于疾病和化疗变得很虚弱,但他说,只要我认为有帮助,他愿意到怀依去帮手。Although he was weakened by his illness and the chemotherapy treatments, he said he would come to Wye if I thought it would help.

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定子为平面线圈,是采用硅微机械加工技术和LIGA工艺制作的。Planar windings manufactured by LIGA technology and silicon micromachine technology are connected with three-phase wye connection.

15日,谈判在白宫开始,然后代表团转场到马里兰州的怀依河会议中心。On the fifteenth, we kicked things off at the White House, then the delegations moved to the Wye River Conference Center in Maryland.

例如,从怀河山谷驱车一小段,一头会通向黑山,而另一头会把你带到迪安森林。A short drive from the Wye Valley, for example, could take you to the Black Mountains in one direction or the Forest of Dean in another.