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在本文研究的初始阶段,完成了型线设计和优化。The lines design and optimization for the 300,000t twin-skeg type VLCC was proceeded.

灵便型油船在油轮市场具有不可或缺的地位,它与大型油轮之间是互补的关系。Handy-size tanker plays a very important part in tanker market, which is a complementation with VLCC.

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掌握大型船舶安全锚泊的操作技术是大型船舶航行安全保障的关键环节。To master the maneuver technology of VLCC safety anchorage is the key to VLCC navigation safeguarding.

超宽浅吃水双尾鳍30万吨级VLCC有着广阔的市场前景。The future market of the 300,000t twin-skeg type VLCC with super breath and shallow draught is prospective.

日本、韩国船厂均有设计建造VLCC的丰富经验,在造船行业长期处于垄断地位。The shipyards of Japan and Korea have monopolized the VLCC industry for a long time for their abundant experience of design and building VLCC.

伴随着17.5万吨的散货船、8530TEU集装箱船和30万吨的VLCC成品油轮在中国制造,船舶的建造技术正朝大型化发展。With the 17.5W DWT BULK Cargo and 8530TEU Container ship and 30WT VLCC Oil Tanker Building in china, the technology of shipbuilding will develop to Huge Tonnage.

最初,以自事人邦本油入口的两家企业投资VLCC为例,闭于实际模型加以考证。Finally, taking two crude oil transportation enterprise which engaged in our country crude oil import invests VLCC as the example, confirms the theoretical model.

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该文针对30.8万吨VLCC,对CSR进行了研究,通过装载计算,初步阐明了CSR对VLCC装载工况和压载舱分舱设计的影响。In this paper, a 308 000 DWT VLCC is used to consider the CSR effect, and its influence on loading conditions and arrangement of water ballast tanks are discussed by loading calculation.

由于船坞建设所在水域的特殊性和超大型船舶独有的操纵特性,超大型船舶进坞的安全操纵成为一个迫切需要解决的重要课题。Because of the dock water areas particularity and the special maneuvering characteristics of VLCC, the safe maneuvering into dock of VLCC is an important problem that is pressing for solution.

计算结果同时表明,VLCC适合长距离海上原油运输,所以我国今后进口原油的运输要尽量用VLCC船型。The results also indicate that VLCC is appropriate for long distance sea borne crude oil transportation, and thus, China should make the best use of VLCC to ship importing crude oil henceforth.