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确认的话按下轨迹球,按其他键取消。Press Trackball to confirm, any other key to abort.

使用鼠标或者轨迹球有时候会有一点点儿棘手。Using a computer mouse or trackball can be a little tricky.

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尽可能在最直的线上移动您的鼠标或轨迹球。Move your mouse or trackball in the straightest line possible.

发光的轨迹球是你能获得很酷的触觉体验。Luminous trackball navigation enable you cool touch feeling experience.

互动与轨迹球觉得有点照本宣科相比应用程序。Interactions with the TrackBall feel a little scripted compared to the app.

确保高级OpenGL菜单中的球形旋转选项是被激活的。Make sure that Trackball Rotation is active in your camera Advanced OpenGL menu.

想要选择,你只要在触摸板上轻轻地按一下,与轨迹球的用法一模一样。To select, one needs only to press in on the trackpad just as with the trackball.

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时间轨迹球和特殊键的支持,视频缩放选项,屏幕方向。Added trackball and special keys support, video scaling options, screen orientation.

控制轨迹球选择问题,听听科学家们是如何解释的。Control the trackball to select any question and learn how the scientists will explain.

带通知功能的轨迹球是个好点子,但它没有给我的体验带来多少帮助。The notification trackball is a nice idea, but I don't think it really adds much to my experience.

退回菜单后,通过移动轨迹球或输入键盘上的字母选择一个密钥。After backing out of the menu, an encryption key can be selected by moving the trackball and typing characters on the keyboard.

两人花了一大笔钱租了一间小屋,又花了差不多同样的钱租了一条船。Metal Keyboard With Trackball They paid a huge sum to rent a cabin, Metal Keyboard With Touchpad a similar about to rent a boat.

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不过,你不用担心,年轻的孩子们将打破坚固的恐龙,他们很可能将与轨迹球的直观搞。However, you need not worry that younger children will break the sturdy dino and they likely will engage with the intuitiveness of the TrackBall.

专用的发送、结束和后退按钮,以及小巧的滚动导航键,让G1比iPhone更加灵活,但操作也更加复杂。The dedicated Send, End and Back buttons, and the tiny trackball for scrolling, make the G1 more flexible than the iPhone, but also more complicated.

鼠标的滚轮和ipone都可以进行动作感应,但是只有手势感应允许动作在三维空间内进行。Beyond motion sensing, which a mouse rolling on its trackball already does handily, or iPhone pinching, gesture sensing can allow movement in three dimensions.