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沉睡在树梢。On the treetop.

于是,它找到一枝树梢落下。Thereupon, it finds a treetop falling behind.

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大雕将其尸体带回树梢上的窝里。The eagle carries the body back to its treetop lair.

听得“咻”一声,纪九从树上落了下来。Listen to"Xiu" is a , Ji nine fell down from the treetop.

月儿弯弯挂树梢,好像一把小镰刀。The tortuous moon is hanging on the treetop , likes a little sickle.

一轮新月,皎洁地,挂在秋天没有风的树梢。The fair crescent, white and bright, in calm fall at treetop suspend.

然而,月亮爬上树梢的时候,父亲才回来了。However, my father didn't come to us until the moon rise on the treetop.

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可是爸爸知道月亮升起到支头的时候还没有回来。However, my father didn't come to us until the moon rise on the treetop.

然而,月亮都升上树顶了,我的爸爸还没有回来。However, my father didn't come to us until the moon rise on the treetop.

那晚,父亲一直到月亮都已经升上树梢了才回到家里。However, my father didn't come to us until the moon rise on the treetop.

玉盘似的圆月挂上了树梢,那缕缕冰清玉洁的月光如水般温柔。If the moon hangs venicosum, the wisps of pure treetop gentle water-like moonlight.

这种壁虎拥有翼膜,可以让自己从树顶的巢降落或滑翔下去。The gecko has a patagium that allows it to parachute or glide down from its treetop home.

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等他醒来后,他沮丧地发现猴子们把他所有的帽子都拿到了树梢。On waking, he was dismayed to discover that monkeys had taken all his hats to the treetop.

是夜,她们将自己洗过的衣物和月亮一起挂在树梢。Is the night, they will have washed the clothing and the moon hang together in the treetop.

有一次,他驾直升飞机让我妻子南希和我作了一次只有树梢那样高的飞行,这真叫人提心吊胆。Once he piloted my wife Nancy and me in his helicopter on a hair-raising ride at treetop level.

她还是希望将松树原本趴下的树尖指向门口比较好。She still wants that this tree could be in the old way with the treetop pointing to her home gate.

在树顶上搭建的森林地面走道可以让游客近距离地接触热带雨林。Boardwalks on the forest floor and the treetop level let visitors experience the rain forest up close.

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但是当偷猎者们举着步枪经过探测器的时候,探测器就会向树顶上的天线发出无线电信号。But when poachers carrying rifles walk by a detector, it will send a radio signal to a treetop antenna.

整个度假村拥有29个海滩度假小屋、4个树顶小屋、5个山边小屋和2个豪华山坡小屋。In total the resort has 29 Beach casitas, 4 Treetop casitas, 5 Hillside casitas and 2 Deluxe Hillside casitas.

Treetop会自动生成解析树,而且还允许用户添加方法来定制所生成的节点Treetop generates parse trees automatically but allows the user to customize the generated nodes by adding methods