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我们需要帮助青年人在追求和平中,超越他们的前辈。And we need to help them outperform us in the pursuit of peace.

正如我们之前所了解到的那样,人心齐,泰山移,伟大的团队胜过伟大的个体。As we learned before, great groups outperform great individuals.

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我基本同意对表现更好那部分的观点,但对傻瓜论不能苟同。I largely agree with that sentiment the outperform part, not the dolt part.

如果我很固执,且有偏见,我想我的表现会比电脑好。When I get pigheaded and get a bias, I think I can outperform the computer.

在某些情况下,猴子能胜过大学生。Under certain conditions, monkeys could sometimes outperform college students.

我对你们说没有股票,会有比市场表现的好,或者差的可能性。I said that no stock is likely to outperform the market or underperform the market.

在许多情况下,这就是我们需要的,它的效果比任何其他策略都要好。In many cases, this is exactly what you want and will outperform any other strategy.

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在开箱即用32位,48位和64位混合可大大优于模拟混合。In-the-box 32-bit, 48-bit and 64-bit mixing can significantly outperform analog mixing.

有些演员如果给其机会,甚至可以超越原版。Some of the actors that follow could even outperform the original if given the opportunity.

这是单元测试能够胜过系统集成测试的一个很好的例子。This is a good example of when unit testing can really outperform system integration testing.

他们教导我,从长期来看,股市的表现会更好,只有傻瓜才不这么想。Stocks would outperform over the long run, and only a dolt thinks otherwise, they informed me.

他预计,公司或超越这一增长率,增幅很可能将达到百分之十几.He predicted his company would outperform that rate, with percentage growth likely in the teens.

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但是,课堂上不可能教授这些品质,而女孩在各级教育中都胜过男孩。But character can't be taught in the classroom. Girls outperform boys at all levels of education.

这为中国的通胀受益股走出强于大盘走势开启了大门。This opens the door for Chinese stocks that benefit from higher levels of inflation to outperform.

因此产品组合在发生变化,中期而言低价的小型轿车或将“跑赢”其它车种。As a result, product mix is shifting and lower-priced, small cars could outperform in the medium term.

黄金仍能保持良好的势头,表明对这种在最糟糕的情况下可能脱颍而出的资产仍存在需求。Gold's resilience suggests continuing demand for an asset that could outperform in worst-case scenarios.

当DR3从低估区走向中性区,证券的表现将优于债券和黄金。When the DR3 goes from undervalued to neutral, equities should outperform treasury bills or bonds or gold.

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因此,不仅仅是对商品出口国,对所有国家而言,瞄准PEPI都会比普遍采取的瞄准CPI更好。Thus, a PEPI target would outperform the popular CPI target in all countries, not just commodity-producers.

这种法玛—弗伦奇模型解释了为什么小型价值公司的表现通常优于股市其他公司股票。The Fama-French model explains why small, value companies typically outperform the rest of the stock market.

该基金将投资黄金类股及黄金衍生品,目的是跑赢金价。The gold fund will invest in gold-related shares and gold derivatives and will aim to outperform gold prices.