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即如美德是什么?What is virtue?

容是一种美德。Let is a virtue.

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他品德高尚。He excels in virtue.

诚实是一种美德。Honesty is a virtue.

他品行堕落。He falls from virtue.

偏执狂是一种优点。Paranoia is a virtue.

美德常在永不老。Virtue never grows old.

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凭什么权利?By virtue of what right?

需要得少是一种美德。Less is a kind of virtue.

懿行美德远胜于貌美。Taken virtue than beauty.

美德的报偿即其自身。善有善报。Virtue is its own reward.

以德感人,为人师表。By virtue of being moving.

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"平心而论"是一种品德。"Not Judging" is a virtue.

恶习渐远,美德渐增。As vice wanes, virtue waxes.

脸红是美德的颜色。Blushing is virtue s colour.

懿行美德远胜貌美。Taken far virtue than beauty.

声誉是良习的影子。Glory is the shadow of virtue.

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你是个水性杨花的女人。You are a lady of easy virtue.

播种美德者,收获名声。He that sows virtue reaps fame.

节俭是美德。To practice thrift is a virtue.