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检查结果。Examine the results.

定期检查你的生活。Examine your life regularly.

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看看这是否是一个模式。Examine if this is a pattern.

检查每个步骤的流程。Examine the flow of each step.

检查鞋子成双与配称。Examine for pairing and balance.

我将在下面分析此概念。I will examine this notion below.

望明察之而后决断也。It also looked examine decisions.

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我们将调查这件事。We shall examine into the affair.

让我们仔细自我省视!Let's examine ourselves carefully.

他们着手检查机器。They ------to examine the machine.

他是理科主考人之一。He is one of the science examine rs.

我想考察其中的一些。I want to examine a couple of these.

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然后我们检查这些饮料。Then we will examine all the drinks.

审查通过了就可以改名字了。Examine passed OK and incognito word.

仔细检查运动胸罩的缝合处。Examine the seams of the sports bras.

我们轮流来检视两者。Let me examine both of these in turn.

裂纹最终致使弦杆断裂。Examine block for cracks or fractures.

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我研究着空心天花板上的一个污点。I examine a stain on the tile ceiling.

现在我有闲工夫看一看那个钱包儿了。I had now leisure to examine the purse.

验房师考试形式?Examine house division examination form?