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制作版画的方法有很多种。There are many methods of printmaking.

最古老的版画制作形式是木刻版画。The oldest form of printmaking is the woodcut.

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毕业于中央美术学院版画系。BA, Printmaking Dept. , Central Academy of Fine Arts.

版画,也是中国美术的一个重要门类。Printmaking , is also an important Chinese art classes.

“越界行动”版画交流展,角度画廊,上海,中国。"Cross the Border" Printmaking Exhibition, The Angle Gallery.

自从那时黑白版画一直是我最喜欢的。Ever since printmaking in black and white has been my favorite.

毕业于中央美术学院版画系。Graduated from Printmaking Dept. , Central Academy of Fine Arts.

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清洁救济会雕刻木版画更容易。Cleaning the wood in relief printmaking will make carving easier.

1996年被文化部命名为“版画刻字艺术之乡”。It was named "Printmaking Town" in 1996 by Ministry of culture of P. R. C.

哲里木版画在上个世纪的发展中曾取得过辉煌的成绩。Zhelimu printmaking made a remarkable achievement during the last century.

版画是制作过程艺术品印刷,通常是纸上谈兵。Printmaking is the process of making artworks by printing, normally on paper.

纹理可以实现在救灾用的木版画不同类型。Texture can be achieved in relief printmaking by using different types of wood.

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“门里门外”版画展,半岛美术馆,上海,中国。"Cross the Border" Printmaking Exhibition, The Angle Gallery, Shanghai, China , 2007

上海版画邀请展,上海美术馆,上海,中国。Shanghai Printmaking Invitation Exhibtion, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China, 2007

学习木版画的专业知识,由一个小技巧,在这个自由块版画影片。Learn wood block tips with expertise from a printmaker in this free printmaking video.

学习如何与专业实验,从一版画家在这个自由版画影片。Learn how to experiment with expertise from a printmaker in this free printmaking video.

版画吸引了孩子们。瞧,这位綦江小姑娘创作得多么聚精会神。Printmaking has attracted children. Look, just how creative girl who Qijiang attentively.

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有关打印具有专门知识的质量,从一版画家在此免费学习版画影片。Learn about print quality with expertise from a printmaker in this free printmaking video.

学习如何解决问题,从一版画家在这个自由版画专业视频。Learn how to problem solve with expertise from a printmaker in this free printmaking video.

了解如何在这个自由版画视频更多具有专门知识的纹理从一版画家。Learn how to get more texture with expertise from a printmaker in this free printmaking video.