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她说,一个无争议的离婚案件现在要花半年时间。An uncontested divorce now takes about half a year, she says.

非洲、拉丁美洲和加勒比组的席位没有竞争。The seats for Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean were uncontested.

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非争用的解锁操作将一个锁定的互斥锁返回给线程锁定缓存。Uncontested unlock operations return a locked mutex to the thread lock cache.

他们半场拿下了71分,包括雷·阿伦的一个无可争议的压哨上篮。They had 71 points at halftime, including an uncontested Ray Allen layup at the buzzer.

该分配被认为是无争用锁定操作中最大的可变开销。The allocation is considered the largest variable cost in an uncontested lock operation.

现在,阿什莫尔博物馆再也不满足于成为全世界最伟大的大学博物馆。Now the Ashmolean is pretty much uncontested as the greatest university museum in the world.

无争议的在空气中,翼龙殖民地人民的所有大陆和形成了大量的形状和大小。Uncontested in the air, pterosaurs colonized all continents and evolved a vast array of shapes and sizes.

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她说,服务变慢了,排队时间长了,一个无争议的离婚案现在就要花去半年时间。Service has got slower, waiting times longer. An uncontested divorce now takes about half a year, she says.

如前所述,无争用锁定操作涉及了一些设置和一个原子机器指令。As we described earlier, an uncontested lock operation involves some setup and an atomic machine instruction.

起诉书称当时西姆金支付了账户价值的一半给结婚三十年的妻子布兰克,作为协议离婚财产。Simkin paid Blank, his wife of 30 years, half as part of their uncontested divorce settlement, the lawsuit said.

它希望我们构想一个毫无争议的上帝,他可以通过言语和意愿的力量创造宇宙。It wants us to conceive of God as an uncontested god who through the power of his word or will creates the cosmos.

刚刚不受挑战的连任总理一职,温家宝本周第六此召开这个例行的记者招待会。Fresh from his uncontested re-appointment to a second five-year term, Wen Jiabao this week performed this chore for his sixth time.

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如果「乳癌」对女性而这是最可怕的字眼,那麽「化学治疗」四个字无疑紧随其后。If the words "breast cancer" form the most terrifying phrase in a woman's vocabulary, then "chemotherapy" is the uncontested rival for seconf place.

在过度拥挤的行业中无法保持持久的益友业绩,真正的机会是去创造一个没有竞争的市场空间——蓝海。Competing in over-crowded industries is no way to sustain high performance, the real opportunity is to create blue oceans of uncontested market space.

该案中我们一开始就确知的是,一名肠胃科医师闯入他前任办公室护士兼情妇的家中,并对她注射某种针剂。The uncontested facts in the case are that a gastroenterologist broke into the home of his former office nurse and mistress and gave her an injection.

六十年来,美国一直是世界上毫无争议的两栖霸主,到现在,它还没有准备好接受中国与其分享这一唯一而有效的军力。After six decades as the globe’s uncontested amphibious leviathan, America is not ready to accept that this unique and useful capability will be shared.

昨天十四名候选人冲刺报名,令最少两名民主党成员、一名工业家和三名工会派成员自动当选的希望落空。Fourteen candidates rushed to sign up yesterday, dashing hopes of uncontested victories for at least two Democrats, one industrialist and three unionists.

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由于丈夫拒绝离婚,湖北小仙桃市一名妇女请另一名男性假扮其丈夫,以获得协议离婚。After her husband refused to divorce her, a woman in Xiantao, Hubei province, asked another man to pose as her husband, in order to obtain an uncontested divorce.

冷不防地,波什运球晃过加内特,将球毫无争议地扣进篮筐。筋疲力尽的加内特只能眼睁睁地从下面看着波什高高跃起。And just like that, Bosh blew by Garnett off the dribble and dunked the ball uncontested. Garnett, tired and beaten, could only watch Bosh's ascension from below.

如果已知锁定是无争用的但是难以避免或删除同步指令,则对这些锁定花费一点小的确定的开销不失为明智的做法。It can be desirable to have a small and deterministic cost for locking that is known to be uncontested but where synchronization directives are hard to avoid or remove.