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这种旧宗教正在消亡。The old religion is perishing.

这讨厌的差事,我真受够了!I've had enough of this perishing job!

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目前,正面临着湮废的威胁。It is now facing the danger of perishing.

窗户的木框在烂下去。The woodwork of the window frames is perishing.

我们就像大雁一样,盲目,迷失,麻木。We were like the geese, blind, lost, perishing.

并且在那沉沦的人身上,行各样出于不义的诡诈。And in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing.

提存是债的消灭的主要原因之一。Take-and-deposite is one of the main reasons of debt's perishing.

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然而对于当地濒死的渔业以及自身难保的律师们,此次“灾难”却是个发财的难得机会。But for a perishing fishing industry, ambulance-chasing lawyers, it is a golden opportunity.

人不轻狂亡少年,但是这个轻狂的代价也未免太大了吧?Person not frivolous perishing youth, but this frivolous price rather too has been also big?

国亡之后,词人群体特征的内涵发生了质变。After the perishing of the Song Dynasty, the intension of group feature had a qualitative change.

因为我们在婉面前,无论在得救的人身上,或灭亡的人身上,都有基督馨香之气。For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

一天,当乌鸦觉得口很渴的时候,忽然发现一个水壶。ACROW perishing with thirst saw a pitcher, and hoping to find water, flew to it with great delight.

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中国艺术正在遭受毁坏,取而代之的是拙劣的模仿欧洲的二流绘画。Their art is already perishing , and being replaced by crude imitations of second-rate European pictures.

地球上,死亡的浪潮席卷而来。在这个由陨星引起的,长达数十年的严冬中,植物和动物,逐渐消失灭迹。Across the world a wave of mass deaths began, plants and animals perishing in a decade-long asteroid winter.

这个世界因为缺乏对神的认识而趋向灭亡,同样地,教会因为没有神的同在而濒于生命枯干。The world is perishing for lack of the knowledge of God and the Church is famishing for want of His Presence.

我们将会遇到银河和太阳,行星,生命和意识不断的存在,进化和毁灭。We'll encounter galaxies and suns, and planets, life and consciousness, coming into being, evolving and perishing.

此事发展结果,不仅是中国存亡的问题,而将是世界人类祸福之所系。This incident has an effect upon the surviving or perishing of China as well as the thick &thin of humanity in the world.

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它会导致耗用一笔款项,而这些款项本应用在传达真理的光给那些因没有基督而行将沦亡的生灵。It leads to an outlay of means that should be expended in bringing the light of truth to souls that are perishing out of Christ.

他认为,这些“反动”种族,应该立即在世界革命风暴中毁灭,除此之外,命运再没留给他们什么了。These "retrograde" races had nothing left for them by fate except "the immediate task of perishing in the revolutionary world storm.

如果还有什么比死于饥渴的躯体更能使人痛心的话,那一定是由于得不到光明而死去的灵魂了。If there is anything more heart-breaking than a body perishing for lack of bread, it is a soul which is dying from hunger for the light.