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它可以帮助你成为钳工。It can help you to become fitter.

这个车工兼钳工的工人不到二十五岁。The turner and fitter is under twenty-five.

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之后我意识到对于使我的身材更有型,负疚无济于事。Then I realize that guilt does nothing to get me fitter.

我们比以往任何时候都健康舒适,我们热爱这种生活。We’re getting healthier and fitter than ever before, and we love it.

英镑目前的汇率将迫使英国公司厉行精兵简政。The value of the pound will force British companies to be leaner and fitter.

2004年8月,我跟丈夫迈克尔签字离婚了,他是个普通工人,专门给人铺地毯。In August 2004, I filed for divorce from my husband Michael, a carpet fitter.

我认为,随着你练习的增加,阶段性的让自己变得更加健康就是明显的美丽。That you get fitter in stages, as you exercise more, is pretty obvious I think.

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你的身体适应日常的有氧运动时,你就变得更加强壮,更加健康。As your body adapts to regular aerobic exercise, you'll get stronger and fitter.

现场配管工程师和修理人员应该参加“管道装配工课程”。Piping Field Engineers and Reinstatement Crews should attend a "Pipe Fitter Course".

您的配速将随着您的体能和跑步能力的提高而提高。As you build your base and become a fitter runner, your pace will increase over time.

横亘在现在的你和一个健康、健壮、更有魅力的你之间的唯一障碍是你自己。The only obstacle between you and a healthier, fitter and more attractive you is you.

最近的一项研究表明,养有狗的人比没养狗的人要更健康。A recent study found that dog owners are often fitter than those who don't own a pooch.

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承造学校新建筑的人又将工程转包给铅管工人,汽管装配工人等等。The contractor for the new school building gave out subcontracts to a plumber a steam fitter etc.

实验数据表明贝叶斯网络比神经网络更适合解决汉语词义消歧问题。The experimental data shows that Bayesian network is fitter for solving the Chinese WSD than ANN.

YAG激光比CO2激光更适用于激光熔覆和激光金属直接成形制造。YAG laser is fitter than CO2 laser for laser cladding and laser directly metal forming manufacturing.

在我的社区里我比以往拥有更多的朋友,从一开始就都没有过生病,而且我还感到从未有的健康。I've more friends in my community than ever, I haven't been ill since I began, and I've never felt fitter.

第一个惊吓是拘谨的,事务性的衣服隐藏了非常年轻的,比较适当的男人身体。The first shock was that the squarish , businesslike clothing concealed the body of a much younger, fitter man.

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本课题研究的主要内容是AMK交流伺服控制系统在烟机卷接机组中的应用。This subject mainly researches the application of the AMK AC servo system in the fitter tip attachment assembly.

当他们长大点,他们的平衡力更好的时候,他们会做不同的特技,我也变得越来越强壮、健康。As they get bigger and they can balance better, they can do different stunts and I in turn get stronger and fitter.

要让游客写好你的角色,最好的办法还是你来自己写些材料,贡献贡献。否则,嘿嘿,后果自负。If wanted Wanderer to write a fitter character for you, you better provided with some juicier materials of your own.