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我们必须适应它。We should adapt to it.

适应的才能活得好。Adapt and live comfortably.

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有些参赛队发现很难适应比赛。Some found it hard to adapt.

你必须适应,越快越好。You have to adapt and adapt quickly.

你能适应这份新工作吗?Can you adapt yourself to the new jop?

你能适应这份新工作吗?。Can you adapt youself to the new job ?

你必须使方法适合客观情况。You must adapt method to circumstance.

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科格德对同事们说,“就是今天的事情,我们现在就必须适应。”It is here today and we must adapt now.

第二个问题是“使用反语要顺应的对象是什么”?。The second is 'What do ironists adapt to?

但是有些人怀疑高盛是否能够改革并再次兴盛。But some doubt that it can adapt and thrive.

巴楚蘑菇对土壤营养条件有很强的适应性。Bachu mushroom has more adapt to soil nutrient.

我们可以将这座旧房改造成一个车库。We can adapt this old house for use as a garage.

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很难使一个人适应新环境。It is not wasy to adapt oneself to new conditions.

您可以把这段代码改写成您自己的应用程序。You can adapt this code for your own applications.

与亚洲航空的传统精神一样,我们在不断改变并适应。But true to AirAsia tradition, we change and adapt.

生活是不公平的,你要去适应它。English 1. Life is unfair, you want to adapt it. 2.

我们必须能够适应不断变化的情况。We must be able to adapt to changing circumstances.

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适应倒班工作,能够承受一定的工作压力。Adapt to shift work and can work under big pressure.

把格利森的惊险小说改编成电影,应该是件很容易的事。It should be a snap to adapt a John Crisham thriller.

再怪诞的东西年轻人也能很快适应。Young people adapt quickly to the most absurd things.