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吃全谷物类食物。Eat Whole Grains.

白白浪费了一整天。Diddle a whole day.

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我们一家全去了。My whole family went.

考虑下整粒谷物食品。Consider whole grains.

你说得很全面That's the whole point.

这个苹果整个都是红的。The whole apple is red.

我可不可以买整箱?Can I buy the whole box?

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他统治着整个罗马帝国。He sways the whole Rome.

全体船员弃船逃生。The whole crew deserted.

全谷物如何?What About Whole Grains?

一家三口共骑一辆车。A whole family on a bike.

他喝干了一大碗酒。He drank up a whole bowl.

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整片树林被烧成了一片焦土。The whole forests seared.

他把整个事情都搞糟了。He spoilt the whole thing.

整个事情带有种族主义色彩。The whole thing is racist.

好了,现在要一个全音级Well, I need a whole step.

你是说这整个宫殿吗?You mean the whole palace?

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整个州都是沙漠。the whole state is desert.

清理所有PTB的城市。Clear out whole PTB cities.

他吃了整整一听炖肉。He ate a whole tin of stew.