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这是内河港。This is an inland port.

第二天,我们乘车开往内陆。The next day, we drove inland.

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沙丘常往内陆移动。The dunes usually migrate inland.

这是第一个内陆海豚馆。It was the first inland Dolphinarium.

您别看现在的樟林是一个内陆乡镇。At present Zhanglin is an inland town.

中国最大的内陆湖泊和咸水湖。China's largest inland saltwater lake.

我们想使船靠岸,朝内陆方向驶去。We beached the boat and headed inland.

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一个事情发生在内陆的一个小镇。An incident happened in an inland town.

内海畔,一片空旷区域里的露营者。Campers at inland sea in empty quarter.

殖民者更深入地向内地发展。The colonists developed further inland.

是否需要扩展内陆运输险?Do you need "Inland Transit" Endorsement?

许多内陆城镇建在沿海地带。Many inland towns are built along rivers.

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骆驼和驴子把那些货物运往内地。Camels and donkeys bore those goods inland.

她枕在伊秀河上,内陆地区长达32公里。It lies on the Ishm River, about 32 km inland.

用于海上及内陆水路运输。Used for sea or inland waterway transportation.

为内陆港和制造业中心。It is an inland port and a manufacturing center.

塔里木河是我国最长的内陆河。Tarim River is one longest inland river of China.

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离海远的内陆属大陆性气候。Far from the sea is an inland continental climate.

这里的一所教堂也将被拆迁到内陆去。A church would also be dismantled and moved inland.

这时要尽快撤到内陆的高地。Move inland to higher ground as quickly as possible.