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威猛五侠。The Furious Five!

他们就满心大怒。They were furious.

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一定是众神发怒了。The gods must be furious.

我对那件事真是火冒三丈。I am really furious about it.

一些老用户十分气愤。Some longtime users were furious.

小伙子干起活来真是生龙活虎。The lads work with furious energy.

所有这些令霍格伦德怒不可遏。All of it makes Greg Hoglund furious.

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我非常非常的生气,我怒不可遏。I am so very very angry, I am furious.

一个愤怒的骆驼咬了他的前肩。A furious camel has bitten his forearm.

这条船禁得起狂风暴雨的袭击。The ship can weather the furious storm.

我对约翰真是烦透了!他总是迟到。I'm furious with John! He's always late.

看她那对愤怒的红色双眸。Mikazuki has a pair of furious red eyes.

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也有几个人遭到猛烈的炮火。A few got involved in furious firefights.

兰迪为这封下流的信而勃然大怒。Randy was furious about the nasty letter.

珍尼快气死我了!她总是迟到。I'm furious with Jenny! She's always late.

我听到的愤怒噼啪声是什么?What's that furious clacking sound I hear?

我火冒三丈,我为我的无知。I was furious with myself for my ignorance.

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夏梦泽满脸怒色。Summer dream Ze full face furious statement.

亨廷顿的理论引发了激烈的争论。Huntington’s thesis set off a furious debate.

现在我觉得非常气愤,想做点什么。I now feel furious and want to do something.