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联锁用于列车在车站运行的轨旁安全系统。Interlocking Trackside safety system for trains running in stations.

维泰尔的整个家庭是赛道上的西班牙大奖赛。Sebastian Vettel's entire family is trackside at the Spanish grand prix.

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轨道旁监控设备会向列车上的接收器反馈信息。Trackside monitoring equipment would feed information to a receiver on the train.

论文主要针对CTCS-3级列控仿真平台中的轨旁子系统进行仿真研究。This paper mainly studies the trackside subsystem of the CTCS-3 simulation and testing platform.

未装配线路未安装ETCS轨旁设备或只安装了局部监督的路旁设备。Non-equipped line No trackside ETCS equipment installed or installed only for Partial Supervision.

卡梅伦观看了卡文迪什的比赛,但卡文迪什没能如众人希望的那样为英国队摘得本届奥运会的第一枚金牌。The prime minister was present at the trackside when Cavendish failed to win Team GB's first Gold of the Games as expected.

可以实现虚拟应答器、虚拟信号机,减少轨旁设备及维护工作量,大大降低系统成本。It can reduce the cost of the train positioning system greatly by reducing trackside equipments and workload of maintenance.

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列车快速驶过绿色的水漫平原,岩石河床的河流和许多无名小镇,日制的汽车在铁路边的公路上和列车齐驾并驱。It sped along a deep green flood plain, over rocky rivers, through anonymous towns and raced Japanese cars on trackside roads.

主办标准普尔N的地面爱好在密尔沃基,美国威斯康星,威斯康星越野锦标赛车手一起带来了来自中西部地区。Hosted by S&N's Trackside Hobbies in Milwaukee, WI, the Wisconsin Off-Road Championships brought racers together from across the Midwest.

运行控制系统包括中央调度管理系统、轨旁设备、车载设备和通信子系统四大部分。Operation control system including the central dispatch management system, trackside equipment, Vehicle on-board equipment and communication system.

如果攀爬过程中自动变速器确实过热了,据我所知基本上也没有什么救急措施,只能停车歇歇,让变速器冷静下来,然后再试着重新上路。If it does overheat, there aren’t too many trackside repairs that I know of for an automatic. So, just park your truck, let it cool down and try again.

该门组可经由一轨道侧紧急门把向月台侧开启,以备于列车进站时发生严重定位问题时,方便人员疏离。These shall be capable of being opened from the trackside by means of a panic bar to facilitate detrainment in the event of a serious train misalignment.

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生成控车命令功能测试——车载控制器接收信标传来的地面状态信息产生控车命令。To generate train control commands, carbone-controller receives variant messages from the trackside through the beacon and then generates train control commands.

每当黄昏与黎明,在绚丽的橘色阳光中,你能看到铁道旁跳跃的袋鼠,此等美景将伴随你走完近4500公里几乎不停歇的旅程。Kangaroo-spotting trackside at dawn and dusk followed by blazing burnt orange sunsets keep passengers entertained over almost 4,500 kilometers of virtually non-stop travel.

奥运会中每个人都在飞快的运动,马克哈也是一样,他努力在比赛时间内完成作品,并且请赢得比赛的运动员们在他的速写上签名留念。However everything moves quickly at the Olympics, and Marc is no exception. Marc aims to complete his sketches in time with the race's winner to add their autograph trackside.

路轨边盛开着一丛丛淡黄色的报春花,木头村舍边是新翻锄开来的田地。所有这些都告诉人们,春天已经来到了乌拉尔山脉以西。Trackside clumps of pale yellow primroses and newly raked vegetable patches next to congregations of wooden houses testified that spring had arrived west of the Ural mountain range.

科斯塔将和巴塞迪利一起工作,巴将在工厂基地工作,工程师克里斯戴尔将担负起巴塞迪利在赛道边的职责。Costa will work alongside team manager Luca Baldisserri, who will now take on a factory-based role, while chief engineer Chris Dyer will assume Baldisserri’s trackside responsibilities.

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来到赛道边上,一位父亲希望让他的儿子避开灼热的太阳和外部纷纷扰扰的世界,因此,他们在一把雨伞下绻成一团,寻求一刻的属于私人的平静。Down on the trackside , a father tried to shield his boy from the punishing sun and the glare of the outside world as they huddled together under an umbrella, seeking a moment of private calm.

去年,马尔库-涅米想去德国观看国际汽车大奖赛芬兰一级方程式赛车冠军米卡-哈基宁的比赛,于是他用移动电话预定了一个赛道旁的位置。When Markku Niemi wanted to go to the German Grand Prix last year to watch Mika Hakkinen, Finland's Formula One racing champion, he clinched his place at the trackside by using his mobile phone.