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红色高棉领导人波尔布特1998年去世。Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot died in 1998.

旧时重现的现场,高棉妇女在做饭。In a reenactment scene, Khmer women cooking.

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一名红色高棉战士在丛林中持枪摆好姿势。A Khmer Rouge soldier poses with her weapon in the jungle.

一位高棉小女孩骑着小单车穿行在某条暹粒南部的路上。Khmer girl rides her bicycle along the road south of Siem Reap.

一个高棉人女孩骑她的自行车沿着马路在暹粒的南方。A Khmer girl rides her bicycle along the road south of Siem Reap.

农谢是迄今为止第二个在法庭上露面的前红色高棉领导人。He is the second former Khmer Rouge leader to appear in court so far.

对另外四个红色高棉领导人的审判预计将在2011年开始。The trial of four more Khmer Rouge leaders is expected to begin in 2011.

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他在军事上的成功使高棉人统治着东南亚的大部分地区。His military successes extended Khmer rule across much of Southeast Asia.

2008年,该备忘录协议得到修改,以保护青铜时代和高棉时代的艺术品。In 2008 the MOU was amended to protect Bronze Age and Khmer Age artifacts.

是古代高棉人的居住地,1954年成为南越首都,越战中被严重破坏。An ancient Khmer settlement, it became the capital of South Vietnam in1954.

旧时重现的现场,高棉人用石头打磨建筑。In a reenactment scene, Khmer men working with stone grinding construction.

高棉王国坐落于东南亚自公元790至1431年坐落于东南亚。The Khmer Empire was a kingdom located in Southeast Asia from 790 until 1431AD.

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而柬埔寨首相洪森,也曾经是红色高棉的高层分子。Cambodia's prime minister, Hun Sen, among others, is a former Khmer Rouge cadre.

关于这一地区的更多信息请参阅后面的谷美尔案例研究。For more information on this area, please read Khmer Case Studies on pages 12-15.

身着高棉传统服装的舞蹈演员准备在吴哥窟寺庙表演节目。Dancers in traditional Khmer dress prepare to perform at the Angkor temple complex.

游览古高棉帝国的杰作——宏伟的吴哥窟庙宇。Discover the magnificent temples of Angkor, a masterpiece of the ancient Khmer Empire.

高棉语为通用语言,与英语、法语同为官方语言。Khmer is a universal language, and English, French is the official language of the same.

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吴哥窟,高棉文明的代表性建筑,长久以来都是柬埔寨人瞻仰的宗教圣地。Icon of Khmer civilization, Angkor Wat in Cambodia endures as a revered religious shrine.

另外是南部的马来族,汶族,高棉族以及各种本地的山民。Other ethnic groups include Malays in the south, Mon, Khmer and various indigenous hill tribes.

12到15世纪,作为高棉帝国高度发达和高效率的中心,吴哥繁荣兴起。From the 12th to 15th centuries, Angkor thrived as a highly advanced and efficient center of the Khmer Empire.