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笑是感染的。It's contagious.

什么是炭疽热?Is anthrax contagious?

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炭疽热会传染吗?Is anthrax contagious?

笑是传染的。So smiles are contagious.

闲情雅致是会传染的。The spirit is contagious.

所以我猜想,笑是可以传染的。So I guess it’s contagious.

微笑极易蔓延。Smiles are extremely contagious.

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恐惧是会蔓延的,它会麻痺人们。Fear is contagious. It paralyzes.

猩红热传染性很强。Scarlet fever is highly contagious.

为什么?因为快乐是感染的。Why? Because happiness is contagious.

白癫风是没有传染性的。Vitiligo is not contagious in any way.

首先,这是一种传染性极强的病毒。First, this is a very contagious virus.

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麻疹和艾滋病是很易传染的。Measles and aids are highly contagious.

笑和笑声是传染的。So smiles and laughters are contagious.

更糟糕的是,银行挤兑可以传染。Worse yet, bank runs can be contagious.

遍布西班牙,荧火蔓延撒向天庭。Scattering contagious fire into the sky.

笑声和快乐能感染他人。Laughter and happiness can be contagious.

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尼帕病毒在猪群中具有高传染性。Nipah virus is highly contagious in pigs.

软性下疳的溃疡没有传染性。The ulcers of chancroid are not contagious.

打哈欠比任何这些状况都更易传染。A yawn is more contagious than any of these.